2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Baby boomers' monkey business

What do the following terms have in common: Ardipithecus, monkeys’ social habits, high sugar + cereal diet, Lipitor™, vegetarianism, environmentalism, political collectivism, herd mentality, break-down of family values, excessive focus on entertainment, business-destroying corporate management based on consensus not competence, de-industrialization, engineering decline and medical science failure?

I am going to expand upon that. Existence of some connection in the above listed items was originally postulated by Stan Piotrowski (aka "Dozent") in response to my theory explaining the strikingly (to me) consistent social habits and culture of the generation of people born just after WWII (1940-ties to 1950-ties), in Europe (West + East) and N.America. My theory postulated reincarnation of some ancient technologically-inept collectivist-minded differently-logical people into the midst of our modern technology-based individualistic civilization. On the other hand, Dozent's theory replaced my metaphysics with pure biology, evolution, genetic programming, and atavistic fallback to the social behavior from our very distant evolutionary past.

Here is Dozent’s theory in a nutshell, in his own words:
Recently you have told me that the looters are cavemen. You are wrong. Totally, utterly wrong. If anything, WE are cavemen. We eat meat. We hunt. We build fires and spears. [....]

To explain my thesis I have to go back to the first time I have seen a TV program on "Ardi" - the earliest known humanoid. Ardi walked upright and had small teeth. Just like us. He wasn't aggressive. He was a hunter and gatherer. Males brought food home and shared life with a female. Females choose good providers and husbands, not an aggressive unattached types. The teeth are a proof of it.

Chimps and Gorillas went the other way. We don’t descent from monkeys, Ayn Rand didn’t know that. Apes are a different evolutionary line which rewarded strength and aggression. The big gangster type. Large gun and no respect for his woman. Ardi was not a chimp-like creature. Neither was "Lucy" the Australopithecus. They did not look like an ape and they did not behave like an ape. We can see it from the results. From the size of our bodies, our teeth, our testicles and our penises. They all point to one-to-one stable relationship. Not based on aggression and sex.

If we were like apes, women would have a red protruding behinds and the men would be twice as big with very large teeth and very aggressive sexually driven behavior.

This observation has eluded me for years.

Back to my thesis. The looters are not cavemen. They are Chimps. Mini-skirts and large half-naked breasts are an equivalent of big red arses. Big guns and motorcycles are equivalent of large canines. Aggression and submission are dominant behavior. Everyone tries to be an Alpha dominant male, a "silverback". They can't work. They don't think. They drink beer (carbs) and eat cereals (carbs). They behave like Chimps not like Cavemen. They look like Chimps, they talk like Chimps and behave like Chimps. They are Chimps.

This is a discovery which eluded me. You do not try to befriend a chimp. You stay away and so does he. You do not try to appease an aggressive chimp. […]

This is not arrogance. This is not "I am better then them" etc... I may not be better I am different. I am a Human. They are Chimps.

The most popular movies right now are all about vampires. Vampires are creatures who live among humans look like humans but behave like..., yes you have guessed it, Chimps. You can call them Chimps or you can call them vampires. You do not call them Cavemen. That is offensive to my noble ancestors who lived in natural caves before they learned to build artificial "caves". They did it so as to protect their children and family from the environment.

They also dressed up in animal skins to be warm not undressed up to show their canines and biceps or their red arses. That was before they have learned how to make an artificial skin called fabric. Yes, caves were rare and they had to be shared. They had names, individuality and respect for the skills. They cared for their families, their children, their parents and their friends.

Stan, Cavemen were US, not THEM.

Stanislaw P., a human.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Will C++ destroy Microsoft Corp.?

The last 2 weeks of struggle to install my wife's "Simply Accounting 2008 Premium Student's Ed." (SA) by Sage, on Windows XP convinced me that the answer has to be positive.


The package installer program would crash at the end of installation. Event Log showed that the crashes were due to a missing class, message issued by CLR module from the .NET2 framework. Turns out SA was compiled using Visual Studio 2005 and uses .NET2 but some changes after 2005 (most likely .NET3.5 or some service packs) broke the compatibility. It's not just one application problem. Apparently, the same happens to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on a fully upgraded and fully service-packed WinXP Pro. It hangs or crash on install, except when installed on a fresh un-upgraded WinXP.


Think about Linux then uninstall in this order: .NET3.5, .NET3.0, then .net-sp2, then unistall .NET2 . If uninstallation fails at any of the stage use dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip (from Microsoft web site). Get rid of all .NET down to .Net1.1. Turn off automatic upgrades. Re-install .NET2 using dotnetfx_Net2.exe from Microsoft web site. Reboot. Reinstall application program. Think about Linux again.


1. .NET framework issued with Visual Studio 2008 appears to break old applications that use .NET2.

2. With C++ being Microsoft's language of choice, .NET framework was introduced by Microsoft to overcome C++ inherent flaw - it's inter-modular binary incompatibility. Clearly that does not seem to be working very well. However C++ does work very well for Linux/Unix OS where applications are distributed as sources and binary incompatibility does not matter! In short: C++ + GPL = sucess, C++ + $$$ = failure!

3. Microsoft is probably not using .NET for it's own new applications, so shouldn't we either!

Microsoft used to tout like crazy ASP.NET and all .NETx.x plus a small herd of other impossible to remember acronyms like WPF etc, from every media outlet. I believe that they may have already quietly scrapped all that new Application Programming Interface garbage! Ever tried installing Internet Explorer 8 without the latest .NET3_3.5? It works like a charm, no problem! I wonder what was the truth behind the rumors of their Vista development "Reset" (code scrap & re-write) in 2005? Is that only my nagging heretical suspicion that it may have had something to do with a hypothetical major flaw in their .NET framework?

4. I have seen the future and it might just work... My view on Objective-C and C++

5. Think about Linux...

6. Why do I think that C++ is an upside-down language...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Beware of Okinawa Diet scam!

I thought Okinawa Diet case has been rightfully forgotten a few years ago but a recent post on webmd Diet Debate board tries to revive it by linking this article , quote:

...Okinawa Centenarian Study. Okinawa, a chain of islands in southern Japan, has the highest concentration of centenarians. Uniformly these old folks have a vegetable-based, low-calorie, low-fat diet and exercise daily. They eat on average seven servings of vegetables and seven servings of grain per day, several servings of soy products, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and little dairy or red meat.

My comment: I have come across Okinawa Study and the popular books by Willcox et al. a few years ago and came to a conclusion that it is totally bogus and a scam designed to sell their books, diet plans, supplements etc.

Here is what what do Okinawans probably eat, from WAPF web article :

And what do Okinawans eat? The main meat of the diet is pork, and not the lean cuts only. Okinawan cuisine, according to gerontologist Kazuhiko Taira, "is very healthy-and very, very greasy," in a 1996 article that appeared in Health Magazine.19 And the whole pig is eaten-everything from "tails to nails." Local menus offer boiled pigs feet, entrail soup and shredded ears. Pork is cooked in a mixture of soy sauce, ginger, kelp and small amounts of sugar, then sliced and chopped up for stir fry dishes. Okinawans eat about 100 grams of meat per day-compared to 70 in Japan and just over 20 in China-and at least an equal amount of fish, for a total of about 200 grams per day, compared to 280 grams per person per day of meat and fish in America. Lard-not vegetable oil-is used in cooking. Okinawans also eat plenty of fibrous root crops such as taro and sweet potatoes. They consume rice and noodles, but not as the main component of the diet. They eat a variety of vegetables such as carrots, white radish, cabbage and greens, both fresh and pickled. Bland tofu is part of the diet, consumed in traditional ways, but on the whole Okinawan cuisine is spicy. Pork dishes are flavored with a mixture of ginger and brown sugar, with chili oil and with "the wicked bite of bitter melon."

19. Deborah Franklyn, "Take a Lesson from the
People of Okinawa," Health, September 1996, pp 57-63

I also found my old post containing some information from Barry Groves (private communication), see what he had to say:

Okinawa (by Heretic on Aug-08-06, webmd)

I am trying to get hold of some papers on the subject. So far I found, surprisingly (or may be not...) that there is just as much confusion about it and contradictions in the literature, as about infamous "The China Study"(*). When I get the article text I will post some quotations. It will require a trip to the local uni library and paying some $$$. Let me quote after Barry Groves (private communication), the following citation:

In 1992 scientists at the Department of Community Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Japan published a paper which examined the relationship of nutritional status to further life expectancy and health status in the Japanese elderly[1]. It was based on three epidemiological studies. In the first, nutrient intakes in ninety-four Japanese centenarians investigated between 1972 and 1973 showed a higher proportion of animal protein to total proteins than in contemporary average Japanese. The second demonstrated that high intakes of milk and fats and oils had favourable effects on ten-year survivorship in 422 urban residents aged sixty-nine to seventy-one. The survivors revealed a longitudinal increase in intakes of animal foods such as eggs, milk, fish and meat over the ten years. In the third study, nutrient intakes were compared between a sample from Okinawa Prefecture where life expectancies at birth and sixty-five were the longest in Japan, and a sample from Akita Prefecture where the life expectancies were much shorter. It found that the proportion of energy from proteins and fats were significantly higher in the former than in the latter.

1. Shibata H., Nagai H., Haga H., Yasumura S., Suzuki T., Suyama Y. Nutrition for the Japanese elderly. Nutr & Health. 1992; 8(2-3): 165-75.


Update 9-Nov-2009

Description of Okinawa food:


Animal Foods, Seafoods, Fat and Okinawa Cuisine
Traditional foods of Okinawa are extremely varied, remarkably nutrient-dense as are all traditional foods and strictly moderated with the philosophy of hara hachi bu. While the diet of Okinawa is, indeed, plant-based it is most certainly not “low fat” as has been posited by some writer-researchers about the native foods of Okinawa. Indeed, all those stirfries of bittermelon and fresh vegetables found in Okinawan bowls are fried in lard and seasoned with sesame oil. I remember fondly that a slab of salt pork graced every bowl of udon I slurped up while living on the island. Pig fat is not, as you can imagine, a low-fat food yet the Okinawans are fond of it. Much of the fat consumed is pastured as pigs are commonly raised at home in the gardens of Okinawan homes. Pork and lard, like avocado and olive oil, are a remarkably good source of monounsaturated fatty acid and, if that pig roots around on sunny days, it is also a remarkably source of vitamin D.
The diet of Okinawa also includes considerably more animal products and meat – usually in the form of pork – than that of the mainland Japanese or even the Chinese. Goat and chicken play a lesser, but still important, role in Okinawan cuisine. Okinawans average about 100 grams or one modest portion of meat per person per day. Animal foods are important on Okinawa and, like all food, play a role in the population’s general health, well-being and longevity.
Fish plays an important role in the cooking of Okinawa as well. Seafoods eaten are various and numerous – with Okinawans averaging about 200 grams of fish per day.

More links (07/06/2010): Okinawa - The Island of Pork

Note (updated 18/12/2011):  Unfortunately the link above with its lovely photo of a market stall filled with pork to the roof, has gone kaput. Enjoy okinawa-information.com instead.   Quote:

 Pork is a very important ingredient, and every part of the pig is used, from pig's feet and pig's ears to pork tripe. Other ingredients include local seafood and native tropical vegetables and fruits.

Update 21-Oct-2010 (from Denise Minger comments on her blog)

Nutr Health. 1992;8(2-3):165-75. Nutrition for the Japanese elderly., Shibata H,et al.

Abstract quote:

The present paper examines the relationship of nutritional status to further life expectancy and health status in the Japanese elderly based on 3 epidemiological studies. 1. Nutrient intakes in 94 Japanese centenarians investigated between 1972 and 1973 showed a higher proportion of animal protein to total proteins than in contemporary average Japanese. 2. High intakes of milk and fats and oils had favorable effects on 10-year (1976-1986) survivorship in 422 urban residents aged 69-71. The survivors revealed a longitudinal increase in intakes of animal foods such as eggs, milk, fish and meat over the 10 years. 3. Nutrient intakes were compared, based on 24-hour dietary records, between a sample from Okinawa Prefecture where life expectancies at birth and 65 were the longest in Japan, and a sample from Akita Prefecture where the life expectancies were much shorter. Intakes of Ca, Fe, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and the proportion of energy from proteins and fats were significantly higher in the former than in the latter. Intakes of carbohydrates and NaCl were lower.

Added 24-Jan-2013 (thanks for the paper, Anonymous!):

More quotes from Shibata's paper:


The food intake pattern in Okinawa has been different from that in other regions  of  Japan.  The people  there  have  never  been  influenced  by Buddhism. Hence, there has been no taboo regarding eating habits. Eating meat was not  stygmatised, and consumption of pork and goat was historically high.  It was exceptional among Japanese food consumption.
The intake of meat was higher in  Okinawa... On the other hand, the intake of fish was lower... Intake of NaCl was lower... Deep colored vegetables were taken more in Okinawa... These characteristics of dietary status are thought to be among the crucial factors  which convey longevity and good health to the elderly in Okinawa Prefecture. ....

and the "kicker":

Unexpectedly, we  did not find any vegetarians among the centenarians.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Food Choices and Coronary Heart Disease

Barry Groves published today a note on his blog about this new study. The most interesting are certain heretical conclusions such as, quote:

Daily intake of fruit and vegetables was associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease when combined with a high dairy fat consumption (odds ratio 0.39, 95% CI 0.21-0.73), but not when combined with a low dairy fat consumption (odds ratio 1.70, 95% CI 0.97-2.98).

It is noticeable that the odds ratios are highly significant, by a large factor, namely 61% lower risk for high fat and 70% higher for low fat consumption! By high/low fat the authors meant this:

Low consumption of dairy fat was defined as milk with 1.5 percent fat or less, no butter and seldom or never intake of cream. All others were denoted high consumption of dairy fat.

However, the real harbinger of low fat diet doom is table 4 (click on the picture to magnify):

I strongly suggest to print it out and stick it on a fridge!

Finally, the following heretical, no - an outright subversive paragraph found its way into the end section. Please understand that I am in a state of shock [aaaah] - you are looking at the paper published in the mainstream peer-reviewd scientific journal. Quote:

In the prospective population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, total fat and saturated fat were not associated with cardiovascular events [14]. Evidence support harmful effects of trans-fatty acids on coronary heart disease, but there is insufficient evidence of associations between saturated fat and heart disease [3]. We lack a clear understanding of the complex effects on health of fats in relation to other components in dairy products [32,33]. A recent review and meta-analysis of 15 cohort studies of vascular disease and milk and dairy consumption found lower relative risks of stroke and/or heart disease in subjects with a high milk and dairy consumption relative to the risk in subjects with low consumption [34].

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The only way to fix GM is to close it down...

The news is that Canadian GM management has decided to increased salaries for non-unionized white collar (read - management) employees. A few months ago all the employees "white" and "blue" took up to 10% pay cut, now it seems they are restoring only the white collar salaries, but not the blue-collar hourly wages! The original pay cut for everyone saved the company 50M$ a few months ago. This pay restoration now will cost the company similar amount of 50M$ dollar. The ratio of white collar (=management) to workers in Canadian GM is 1700:7500. Those numbers indicate that the "pay restoration" will actually amount to a significant pay increase for the management, probably four times their original pay cut. It is also possible to calculate the average manager's salary...

Source: Peterborough Examiner 19-Sep-2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Living to 115 on crispy bacon



Gertrude Baines dies at 115; the world's oldest person
All the while, Baines slept away in her robe, now and then breaking from her routine of crispy bacon, Jerry Springer and church services to take interviews.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What did really cause the crash?

Just a speculative thought:

- could the drop in the Asian stock markets in 2008 preceding the banking crisis of September 2008, have been the real main cause of the crash rather than the American property decline?

US property is only about ~30% down from the peak where as many Chinese companies and the stocks are down way more than that!
Since the US financial oligarchy decided to pump virtually all of the new investment into Asia, since mid 1990-ties and especially after the dot com crash in 2000, the US industry has been totally starved of investment. Yet the US dollar is strong since the banking hub is in the US thus the system works exactly as in the past, generating enough profit to compensate. The manufacturing industries that backs the financial sector and the dollar, are still there owned by the financial elite the same way as before, except that the new factories have been now relocated outside of the US borders.

This situation seems very similar to the British Empire days when before the WWI Britain was investing ~100Bstg a year abroad, while the paper assets were held in London. Around early 1900-eds British pound was the world universal currency and London was the world financial hub generating enough profit to keep the pound strong, and they did not have to produce anything since they could buy everything cheaply abroad. During that time British manufacturing industry experienced its deepest decline in history, and British investors experienced some difficulties in repatriating Indian Railways and Suez Canal back to London, after 1945. They didn't have any "greenshoots" until 1980.


I should have titled it "What will really cause the crash?"

Any major natural disaster in China may now push the Chinese stock into a crash and consequently the US financial system over the edge. One (my) prediction of an upcoming gigantic wind damage and flooding in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou area springs to mind.

What was the primary cause?

I have a theory: - US government was giving huge quantity of TBonds in return for foreign currency loans that they then used to sell off on the Forex market, to weaken other currencies and thus strengthen the US $. I think it is very plausible! It explains for example why does European Central bank and BOE hold huge TBonds reserves in spite of a relatively small size of their trade with the US!

I believe that this currency manipulation was the PRIMARY cause and the trade imbalance with China and Japan was just a SECONDARY consequence of the weakened currencies.

Most experts postulate that the trade imbalances happened first and the TBonds were exchanged as the result of those imbalances. I think it was the other way around! Trade imbalances do not appear by themselves, rather international trade of goods and services tends to balance itself out automatically, if left free.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Managed health "care" ...

.. or social engineering + eugenics + population control?

You listen, then decide:

Jim Puplava's Financial Sense Newshour scroll down to 1 august 2009, 3-rd hour part 2, or:
media player stream
pdf by Mathew Staver

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dairy cuts mortality by 25% and strokes by 60%

Heretic'm mom's pie


Some 4,374 UK children from a 1930s study were traced 65 years later by researchers in Bristol and Queensland.
Despite dairy containing artery furring fat and cholesterol, high consumption did not raise the heart disease risk.
The study looked at family diets and found higher intakes of both calcium and dairy, predominantly from milk, cut mortality by a quarter.
A higher daily intake of calcium, of at least 400mg as found in just over half a pint of milk, cut the chance of dying from stroke by as much as 60%.
Joanne Murphy of The Stroke Association said: [...] "In the meantime, we advise parents to opt for a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and low in saturated fat and salt for the overall health of their children."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Does vegan diet weaken bones?

A recently published pre-anounced study report postulated that vegans have somewhat (marginally) lower bone density than non-vegans.

I just noticed Dr. McDougall's response to it that totally cracked me up! Basically he is saying that a paper by the same author that he previously quoted, has shown no difference in bone density among vegan nuns vs non-vegans (which Dr.McDougall calls "favorable"!!!) therefore it has to be right whereas the present pre-announced paper by the same author now does show some differences unfavorable to the vegans, therefore the author must have been corrupted by some Malaysian dairy corporation. I am not making that up, you can read his response yourself here.

If a plant based nutrition is supposed to be good for the bones, according to Dr.McDougall, how come that his own staff lecturer should wear a weighted vest or backpack to maintain his bone mass?

A digression: that study states as a side note that 5% of the Western population are vegetarian, which makes me wonder how come that there is no mention of vegetarians among centenarians here or mention only a tiny 0.35% fraction in that study - perhaps they don't live very long?

--- updated 23/09/2009 ---
Another interesting study (thanks JC):
"Effect of vegetarian diets on bone mineral density: a Bayesian meta-analysis"

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fuhrman's diet - repeat of the Natural Hygienist's dead end

I thought of rehashing this issue on behalf of my friends and fans (just kidding) from the WebMD forum, especially one person who seems to be doing much better on Dr. Fuhrman's diet and his IMT scan as a measure of arteriosclerotic progression started even reversing as opposed to his previous 30 years on a Pritikin vegan/vegetarian diet. Even though the following text is addressed to EngineerGuy of the webmd forum, I hope that more people will benefit reading it. I am encouraging everyone to read and add comments.

All Dr. Fuhrman did was reintroducing blended salads and added a little bit of meat or fish plus liberal amounts of nuts which are still in severe anathema pronounced by other vegan propagators. One can consider Fuhrman's diet to have 90% in common with the purist vegans like Drs McDougall or Ornish but that 10% difference has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE! What is happening here is that it seems that the 90% compliant vegans seem to be doing better than the 100% compliant vegans!

I think that this little addition of animal produce and nuts has made a huge difference by addressing some of the vitamin deficiencies inherent in the plant-only diets.

That deficiency is not only in B12. I was surprised to find out that some vegans suffer from obvious and easily measurable vitamin deficiencies, even vitamin A in spite of consuming massive amounts of beta carotene! Many seem to suffer from tooth decay, low bone density and/or osteoporosis which would point towards deficiencies of D3,K2 or some other factor. Neurological problems (mood disorders, depression, panic attacks) seem to be associated with the deficiencies of DHA and EPA (fatty acids) in my opinion (this is only my speculative guess, I have no proof).

There is also a possibility that the malnutrition symptoms among some vegans may be caused not only by their deficient diet (note: vitamin D2 and K1 can be obtained from plants, but their proper human forms D3 and K2 cannot!) but also by some intestinal digestive disruption. That possibility was first discovered and proposed as a possible explanation by Natural Hygienists. See Dr. Stanley Bass and read "With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists" by Dr. Gian-Cursio. After suffering many health setbacks on their pure raw food vegan diets, including death of Dr. Cursio's son, they treated them with fasts every few months, followed by some special recovery diet that involved unpasteurized goat's cheese and eggs yolks. Dr. Cursio also introduced (and perhaps invented) the blended salads. (Note: Dr. Bass no longer recommends vegetarian diets, for which he was kicked out of the Natural Hygiene movement, after his life long participation). I am inclined to believe that their recovery approach and explanation may be correct, given the intestinal-disruptive properties of many plants. I think that the absorption problems are related to some plant phyto-toxins from wheat family (I suspect gluten and agluttins like WGA) and the cabbage family of plants (digestive enzyme inhibitors and thyroid hormone disruptors). Fasting would allow the intestinal lining tissue to regenerate itself and recover after excessive raw consumption of those plants.

I am bringing the Natural Hygienist's article to illustrate that Dr. Fuhrman is following in the footsteps of the people who tried that all before him and eventually had to abandon that approach, after many years of trials tribulations and errors. I recommend to learn from their mistakes. Dr. Bass wasted probably ~60 years of his life along this path and is kind enough to inform us of his experience. I am grateful to him since I don't have to go though all this!

Neither should you, after already wasting 30 years of your life on some vegetarianism, you don't need to waste another 30 years on some slightly less harmful variation of the same thing.

P.S. (2/07)

Dr. Bass describes how his fruitarian dietary experiment destroyed his teeth. It turns out that the damage might not be limited to fruitarian diets:

Vegetarian diet 'weakens bones'

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are Saudis evacuating their money? Is a new war imminent?

I will make exception and post this comment on the recent news:

Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge: William Pesek (Bloomberg)

I consider it to be too bizarre to be false. I totally do not buy the "mafia forgery" theory. I also doubt that it has anything to do with Japan but of course have absolutely no proof whatsoever.
I think its time to buy some more oil...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can ketogenic diet cure cancer?

(Fatty pork with curry veggies in butter and 'matoes)
There is very little data but what is available, so far is quite encouraging. Strangely enough most medical research institutions do not seem to think so or there would be a mad rush to study it on thousands of patients.


"Effects of a ketogenic diet on tumor metabolism and nutritional status in pediatric oncology patients: two case reports." Nebeling LC, Miraldi F, Shurin SB, Lerner E.

"Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer: review and hypothesis", Thomas N Seyfried and Purna Mukherjee, Nutrition & Metabolism 2005,2:30

"Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer?"
By Richard Friebe Monday, Sep. 17, 2007

And finally a paper from my favored scientific publisher specializing in printing fake peer-review journals:

"Tumor growth in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex on the ketogenic diet" Catherine J. Chu-Shore, Elizabeth A. Thiele

Three out of five patients, all children, had progression of a known tumor or tumors or the development of a new tumor while on the ketogenic diet. Conclusion: In this limited case series of five TSC patients, the ketogenic diet did not induce tumor regression or suppress the growth of TSC-related tumors.

I am curious, if they emphasize that it didn't help the 3 out of 5, should we interpret it as stating that it did help the other 2 out of 5? (I do not have the access to the full paper to check it).


Footnote (for an oncologist with a PhD's)

No, it does not work (if it works) by starving a cancer through lowering serum glucose level down to zero. Yes it would of course have killed a patient together with a tumor.

What the ketogenic diet does do is it totally alters a body's predominant metabolic mode shifting it from glucose to ketone bodies and lipids. One side effect of ketogenic diets is the enhancement of the immune system (we all heard of course, I presume of the standard pre-penicillin therapy against TB...)

Another effect is reduction of glucose uptake by the healthy cells that are not yet cancerous and the protective effect resulting from much lower insulin production (and insulin tissue uptake) on the true ketogenic diet versus a low fat high carbohydrate diet. Another and probably even more important effects are those that we do not yet fully understand due to a curious lack of curiosity or competence of some oncologists with the PhD who do not seem to want to pursue any investigation that might actually work...

Based on my mom's experience, the best survival strategy is to listen carefully to the oncologists, write thoroughly down everything they have to say - and do the opposite! It has worked well for my mom since her close encounter with the disease in 1998 when she refused a friendly "slash-burn-and-poison" therapy offer from her local hospital. Eleven years later, so far so good...

Be free and prosper,

------ (added later) ----

More references (thanks Cynthia):
"Acetoacetate reduces growth and ATP concentration in cancer cell lines which over-express uncoupling protein 2."
Fine EJ, Miller A, Quadros EV, Sequeira JM, Feinman RD.

CONCLUSION: Seven human cancer cell lines grown in glucose plus acetoacetate medium showed tightly coupled reduction of growth and ATP concentration. The findings were not observed in control fibroblasts. The observed over-expression of UCP2 in cancer lines, but not in controls, provides a plausible molecular mechanism by which acetoacetate spares normal cells but suppresses growth in cancer lines. The results bear on the hypothesized potential for ketogenic diets as therapeutic strategies.


Added 12-Nov-2009


Read Peter's post: Methylglyoxal on Atkins...

The story can be compressed into two titles:

Ketosis leads to increased methylglyoxal production on the Atkins diet.

A brief critical overview of the biological effects of methylglyoxal and further evaluation of a methylglyoxal-based anticancer formulation in treating cancer patients.


Added 15/04/2012
Carbohydrates and the Risk of Breast Cancer among Mexican Women

Starch Intake May Influence Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence, Jennifer A. Emond, M.S.
Abstract Number: P3-09-01, San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2011, Title: Change in Carbohydrate Intake and Breast Cancer Prognosis.

Is there a role for carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer?
Rainer J Klement and Ulrike Kämmerer


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Corrupt Irish government cheating their citizens on pay cuts!

Interesting story.

After several months of negotiations with trade unions, the private and public sector workers agreed to cut their salaries by 10%. The private sector promptly implemented the cuts. Now, it turns out that the Irish government did indeed cut wages by 10%, but also moved 340,000 of their civil servants (probably a majority of the employed) up the pay scale ladder on the basis of time served. Not only it cancelled out the pay cuts but resulted in the overall payroll increase by 250million eu or ~735 eu MORE per employee!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Letter to Mr. Anti-Nuclear Environmentalist

Dear Mr. "Anti-Nuclear Environmentalist",

Your article in the Peterborough Examiner of 6-May-2009 ("Darlington Nuclear Plan...") seems highly biased. You seemed to have picked up and quoted only the anti-nuclear voices while totally missing other views.

People who state opinions such as quote: "I'm against nuclear. I'm trying to think ahead seven generations,..." are misled, mistaken and most often incompetent on the subject they speak about! Not only they may be jeopardizing their own future "seven" generations through their misguided anti-nuclear energy politics, but they may be closer to a personal disaster even within their own life time due to the imminent shortage of oil and natural gas and their inevitable skyrocketing prices, the example of which we have just witnessed last year! This will happen sooner than Ms Langley or you may think. I can picture people like her sitting in unheated houses unable to travel except on foot and unable to find work due to business failures.

If you advocate turning the society back into 18-th century life style, you may have to face some tough choices. If the rampant anti-technology anti-science environmentalism takes an even bigger hold on people's mind driving our politics to the dead end, then the same enthusiasts of wildlife protection at any cost may eventually have to resort to hunt those animal for food and furs just to survive!

Stan (Heretic)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Vitamin A,D3,K2 - toxicity levels

This is a short comment to summarize the situation, based on information gathered from the most recent nutrition studies as well as some of the most useful nutrition blogs (Stephan's, Peter's and Chris Masterjohn's - see the links on the left margin).

The issue of supposed toxicity level of D3 is being slowly unraveled in recent research. It turns out that A,D3 and (probably) K2 must come together in balanced proportions, thus some studies that were increasing D3 alone without A reported toxicity of D3 at a lower level than other studies where D3 may have come from natural produce (like fish oil) thus came together with vitamin A! A and D3 always seem to come together in animal food (any exceptions?). The same story repeats with studies analyzing toxicity of vitamin A. Again, the toxic A levels come out lower when only A is being increased on it's own, versus if it comes with natural fats like fish oil, butter, liver, yolks etc. Also, it appears that the body's synthesis of A out of carrotenoids from vegetables (or absorption) is impaired without sufficient level of fat in food. Subsequently, the sunlight-induced synthesis of D3 out of cholesterol, or the utilization of D3 seem to be deficient when not enough vitamin A is present in the system.

All of the above is absolutely consistent and may explain why do low fat vegetarians, even in sunny places like Arizona or Florida may and often do get deficient in both A and D3.

Merck paid Elsevier to publish a fake "peer review" medical journal

Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine

Read the story on this blog

New accounting-"What would you like it to be, sir?"

Banks Won Concessions on Tests, Fed Cut Billions Off Some Initial Capital-Shortfall Estimates

I used to think that accounting were just some boring arithmetics. Not anymore, I am really impressed by the approach taken by Mr. US President.

On his other notable achievement in just his first 100 days in the office, I would like to congratulate him on the first in US history successful transfer of wealth from the poor population (see examples like this or that ) who most likely voted him, to the wealthy financial elite who most likely did not!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Strange thing about Marshall Protocol

About MP

One aspect is particularly interesting:

It causes some initial side effects in the first few months, occurring in occasional bursts, such as tachycardia, hypo-tension, hyper-adrenal episodes, among others.

Marshall claims says these are caused by unblocking of the VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) and other receptor sites that used to be previously blocked by bacteria for the purpose of paralyzing and disabling the human immune system.

Those were the same symptoms that I had in the first 3 months of the high fat low carb Optimal Diet, in 1999/2000!

Sudden release of the immune blockage and unblocking of various hormonal receptors, may lead to various often dangerous side effects and symptoms, the more so the more colonized was the body by bacterial parasites and thus the bigger the change. This is also what Dr. J. Kwasniewski and Dr. W. Lutz wrote! The initial side effects of the high fat low carb nutrition are proportional to the degree of prior body damage. Lutz specifically says that the problem is caused by the overactive immune system that "kicks in" the moment one goes high fat and low carb.

Kwasniewski says that when a chronically sick patient starts high fat low carb nutrition, a disease may starts fighting back as if it were a wild animal fighting for it's own survival. It may occur in fits and occasional bursts every few weeks, then months, weaker and weaker and rarer and rarer.

I think Dr. Kwasniewski was probably more right about it in a factual (not figurative) way, than I originally thought!

Stan (Heretic)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Playing the almost expired put options

Did anyone notice how cheap are some put options a few days from expiry? I don't think their price truly reflects the volatility, which makes them a viable game.

For example, 10$ strike put options against GE could have been bought for 0.14$ last week, at the time when GE stock price was 10.5-11$.

Interestingly, GE stock went down to 9.3$ on the day of expiry (last Friday) which made this a very lucrative play. This is not the first time that I noticed this phenomenon: in almost every case of my last 12 months option trading, the underlying stock almost always seemed to have experienced an unusually steep drop on the option expiry date (third Friday of a months, every third months for a given stock). Accidental?

As my friend Dozent says: every single conspiracy theory that we discussed in the past (except reptilian aliens 8-:) ) proved to be correct! I am curious!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

US TBonds crashing?

What makes me think of that possibility?

Fekete's article:

... U.S. debt [1T$ in TBonds] in Chinese hands has no definable value: any time the Chinese want to sell a sizeable amount, all bids are withdrawn. The Chinese are stuck with it. They have to wait for their money until maturity. But who knows what the purchasing power of the dollar will then be? The best the Chinese can do is to “grin and bear it.” They can’t even say “ouch”, because this would further hasten the deterioration of marketability of their paper. The periodic warnings from China that the U.S. government should display greater fiscal responsibility and it should follow a stricter monetary regimen sound like whistling in the dark. ...

And this:

Fed to buy up to $300B long-term Treasury bonds

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it will spend up to $300 billion over the next six months to buy long-term government bonds, a new step aimed at lifting the country out of recession by lowering rates on mortgages and other consumer debt. ...

Let me review some of the relevant events of the last months, chronologically:

1) Chinese gov is declaring a 600B$ stimulus for Chinese infrastructure

2) Chinese central bank is (probably) trying to sell some of their US TBonds discovering (probably) that they either cannot sell or that they have to discount them.

3) Chinese government officials complain to the US government and criticize US in public on the subject of the integrity of the foreign held paper assets issued by the US Treasury.

4) For the first time since the financial crisis begun, Federal Reserve is printing very large amount of cash (300B$) to buy TBonds on the market.

Why do I have a nagging suspicion that the events 2 and 4 may be somehow related? Is the Federal Reserve buying up the US TBonds that the Chinese bank was trying to sell on the market but couldn't? Note that buying TBond by Fed is equivalent of printing cash! 300B$ is probably 20-30% of the existing money (M1) in circulation.


- this is highly inflationary, and is likely to counteract the current bank-bailout engineered deflationary credit squeeze.

- the old rule that the pre-mature resale value of the long bonds (but not short term bills) is supposed to be inversely proportional to the yield, no longer seems to apply or requires a large correction factor in the zero yield limit.

I suspect that the long term fixed income assets become illiquid or may even lose value once the yield goes below about 3% or so (at present). It's a case of a theory stretched and extrapolated beyond it's proven domain. Everyone assumed that since lowering the yields from 12% to 6% increased the money velocity in the past and increased credit supply, then lowering it from 3% down to 1.5% or from 0.5% to 0.25% is going to have a similar effect. I think what the present events have demonstrated is that the system is non-linear and that the money supply versus yield curve reverses below a certain yield threshold such as 6% (not sure of the exact figure, read also this - scroll down to the entry on Wed 2 July 2003 titled "What exactly is the relation between interest rates and inflation?" ). The result seems to be the opposite to the expected: forcing the Treasury yields below 3% seemed to have REDUCED the credit supply on the market and led to deflation!

Since everybody loves predictions, I have to finish on this note:

- if China could not easely sell their TBonds so will the US gov not be able to do so either, in the nearest future, forcing the US gov to print even more money than today's 300B$, counteracting deflation and eventually (probably) causing inflation.

- falling TBond resale prices on the open market will increase inflationary expectations and will force all the other new bonds to carry higher yields - despite the government's central banks declarations.

- large players, such as sovereign funds are likely to question the role of the dollar as the universal currency, to renumerate their assets in. The death of the US TBonds (if that happens) means also a death of the dollar!

P.S. (21/03)

I wrote it in the morning, later it was announced that the total sum is 1.2T$: 300B$ of new cash to buy US TBonds on the market and the rest to buy some other dodgy paper assets. That move is effectively doubling the money supply. I have seen that kind of economics in the People's Republic of Poland in the 1970-ties. I have seen the "future" and it did not work! Ask any Pole who lived through this period what a "virtual coal" was. 8-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Market moves in such a way as to render the assets of the biggest players worth less!

Some of my thoughts, opinions and beliefs on where we are heading to.

Last 200 years of Western economy were split into stages in the following order:

- Land owners' oligarchy.

- Industrial oligarchy based on manufacturing and natural resources.

- Service based economy.

The current cycle that has just ended, was characterized by:

- Explosion of credit and debt backed by property and service sector stock used as backing assets (mostly the non-manufacturing and non-resource sectors).

Next stage that has just begun is characterized by:

- Implosion of credit and debt.

Similar as in the previous cycles, this unwinding will have to result in the wipeout of the assets of the most privileged class - the banking and financial elite! They have resisted it and will resist by various measures, most likely by:

- Propping up the collateral by supporting property values thought mortgage insurance corporation bailouts and by supporting the service sector stock, probably through various covert "plunge protection" schemes.

- Enacting mutual guarantees and support schemes for the financial assets; see for example the recent US government guaranteeing liabilities of various corporations.

- Direct recapitalization of financial institutions by government. This requires maintaining (an illusion of) low bonds yields to facilitate the debt issue. Note that this process does not eliminate the financial "nuclear bomb in the basement"! It only moves it from one "basement" to another. Obama's bailout for Wall Street bankers belongs in this category.

- Maintaining the currency value to protect the real assets' value. Note that this requires a disciplined approach that permits issuing of bonds to cover new debt but prohibits expanding the monetary supply (i.e. it precludes government or central bank from buying back their own bonds or bills for cash).

The above measures are characterized by the desire to protect the assets of the Elite but they do not address the real cause - debt! The problem is that although the value of the assets declined and was often marked-down, the nominal contractual value of debt was not declining and generally cannot be easily marked-down to market. If - when the above measures fail and the assets continue to fall, the next steps will probably be an attempt at neutralizing the debt to stave off the mass corporate bankruptcies. It may happen in the following order:

- Shifting of remaining liquidity (by elites) into hard assets such precious metals, land, natural resources, some save heaven countries and others that I cannot yet think of.

- Devaluation of Western currencies.

- Controlled inflation implemented by governments and central banks through buying back bonds with newly printed cash.

- Uncontrolled inflation by governments having to print cash to cover their operating costs, pay for the inevitable gigantic emergency social welfare and debt servicing expenses.

I am concerned that the above depicted scenario may be aggravated by certain common corporate-cultural issues, such as:

- Rewarding top executives for accomplishing some short term accounting goals to the detriment of the long term strategic planning.

- Over-reliance on dumbed-down hierarchy of hired management with only business degrees.

- Lack of accomplishment-based rewarding practices and too much tolerance towards an inactivity among the management ("job for life" disease).

- Tendency to expel skilled people from the workplaces through the top-down negative selection ("fish rotting from the head" syndrome).

Recommended relevant readings:
1) "Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand
2) "Social Collapse Best Practices", Dmitry Orlov

oh and a must watch:

3) "Clark Winter's interview, Bloomberg 10/03/2009" (scroll to minute 4 and after)

- one might also consider this (watch the last scene):

4) "Fight Club"
(before you watch the film, make sure you have a good anti-virus and pest patrol, do not click anything else) Update - I disabled the link (unsafe!), instead it is better to get a torrent from mininova.org (search for "Fight Club" title) and then download the full movie with a BitTorrent. Good luck.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A crash has just begun in Ireland!

Fasten your belts and brace for a crash landing!

Today's Irish Independent article :

The publication of the two reports coincide with the news that at least €10bn has been withdrawn from Ireland in the past week as the impact on Ireland's financial reputation emerges.

If the outflow of funds has begun as I wrote in my blog 3 months ago, if that is 10Beu/week then it is a matter of a few weeks before all Irish banks will run out of cash and the gov will have to either fork out that cash (if it has got any left), renege on the promise or let them all fail! In my back of the envelope estimate there is only 20-40Beu of cash reserves left with the Irish banks, perhaps even less!

Updated 19/04/2009

I was off by 2 weeks. The banks ran out of cash after 6 weeks instead of 4 as I thought. Irish government managed to save their bacon, for the time being by injecting 90B eu of fresh money into their system, in the first week of April. Irish banks ONE : Irish taxpayers ZERO, everybody happy, all love! This should last them about 3 more months assuming that the cash bleed rate stays the same. We should expect some more interesting news in the middle of the summer. So far so good, go to a pub, drink beer...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's the glucose, stupid!

The subject line is borrowed from Barry Groves' blog, a must-read. He is pointing out an important paper, published recently:

"Systemic Correlates of Angiographic Coronary Artery Disease" by José Pedro L. Nunes, João Carlos Silva

It is worth pointing out, not surprising to most of us heretics, that they found no correlation whatsoever of coronary arterial disease with the lipids:


Lipids accumulate in arterial walls in atherosclerosis. In the present study, we could find no evidence of an association between lipid fractions and CADB. Most patients were treated with lipid-lowering drugs, and this may be one of the reasons behind these negative findings, particularly in what concerns LDL cholesterol. In the present study, HDL cholesterol levels were also not correlated to CADB, although previous studies have been shown HDL to be negatively associated with the importance of coronary artery disease, whereas no such relation was noted involving LDL cholesterol [16]–[17].

What shouldn't be surprising either, is that high glucose and high insulin (presumed) were significantly correlated, quote:

In the context of the present investigation, one may speculate that higher plasma glucose, probably in the presence of elevated plasma insulin, could be associated to a growth-stimulating effect on atherosclerotic lesions, perhaps involving magnesium as a cofactor for insulin-stimulated growth.

Stan (Heretic)


[geek warning level = high]

What also caught my attention is the reference #23:

FEBS Lett. 1997 Nov 17;417(3):283-6. "Inhibition of MAP kinase blocks insulin-mediated DNA synthesis and transcriptional activation of c-fos by Elk-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells.",
Xi XP, Graf K, Goetze S, Hsueh WA, Law RE.

After a brief look, it seems to tie with Dr. Kwasniewski's postulated Pentose Phosphate Pathway (Pentose Shunt). If that's the case it would be the first confirmation. It requires some more digging, might come back to it.

Update (24-May-09)

Adding some references for the record:

R.W. Stout, The Lancet, 1968,1969
Paper 1 and 2


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Alzheimer's 'is brain diabetes'

c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s

BBC Health article


Treating Alzheimer's with the hormone insulin, or with drugs to boost its effect, may help patients, they claim.

The latest study, joint research between Northwestern University in the US and the University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, looked at the effects of insulin on proteins called ADDLs, which build up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and cause damage. They took neurons - brain cells - from the hippocampus, a part of the brain with a pivotal role in memory formation. These were treated with insulin and a drug called rosiglitazone, given to type II diabetics to increase the effect of the hormone on cells. After this, the cells were far less susceptible to damage when exposed to ADDLs, suggesting that insulin was capable of blocking their effects.

Surely it must be all that fat, lack of exercizing and "bad" genes...

c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s c a r b o h y d r a t e s

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer?

An article appeared in "Time" magazine in 2007 (thanks JC).

This is supposed to be a small-scale pilot study preceeding a full scientific investigation. I am not holding my breath.

Some terminally ill cancer patients in womens' hospital (University of Wurzburg) selected from among the hopeless cases, did get better, that is those who did not opt out due to sugar cravings. Strict ketogenic diet with no carbohydrates, using specially selected vegetable oils such as hempseed and linseed (flaxseed) oils. I wonder why did these medics not just use some common animal fat. Makes me wonder what else they might have done wrong. Still it seemed to have worked! Drs. McDougall, Ornish - any comments?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

High carb vs. high fat diet

Two recent papers appeared (posted by JC on webmd 1 and 2 ):

"Dietary carbohydrates, fiber, and breast cancer risk in Chinese women"


"Long-term consumption of a carbohydrate-restricted diet does not induce deleterious metabolic effects".

The first paper found that pre-menopausal women in the highest quintile of carbohydrate consumption had a twice as high risk of breast cancer. No surprize here (except for vegan fundamentalists). The association held for the total carbohydrates intake as well as for the glycemic load but not for glycemic index, which seems to be putting a small spanner in the works of a popular theory that low glycemic index food (i.e. vegetables and fruit) are supposedly more healthy than some higher glycemic index produce (rice, potatoes etc).

The second paper looked interesting on the first sight but was somewhat disappointing on the closer inspection due to a lack of depth. They checked 17 women and 14 men in their 50-ties, most of whom adhered to Dr.Kwasniewski's Optimal Diet for over 3 years. The paper concluded on the basis of patients' blood cholesterol, glucose and insulin profile, quote:

"These results indicate that long-term (greater than 1 year) compliance with a low-CHO high-fat 'optimal diet' does not induce deleterious metabolic effects and does not increase the risk for cardiovascular disease,..."
