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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mechanism behind omega-6 seed oil triggering autoimmune diseases


Summary. The study proved the following mechanism on mice may be triggering diseases such as muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and lupus:

1. Dietary omega-6 seed oils produces NHE,

2. NHE binds to aminoacids from the DNA, then

3. immune system reacts against that and produces antibodies against NHA and against the DNA

4. immune system attacks and destroys body's own DNA and the cells die!

First read this, to understand what NHE is:
4-Hydroxynonenal (NHE)



4-Hydroxynonenal is generated in the oxidation of lipids containing polyunsaturated omega-6 acyl groups, such as arachidonic or linoleic groups,
Special attention must also be paid to cooking oils used repeatedly in caterings and households, because in those processes very high amounts of OαβUAs are generated and they can be easily absorbed through the diet.

And then read this:

"Protein-bound 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal
THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 282, NO. 35, pp. 25769 –25778, August 31, 2007



Several lines of evidence indicate that the nonenzymatic oxidative modification of proteins and the subsequent accumulation of the modified proteins have been found in cells during aging and oxidative stress and in various pathological states, including premature diseases, muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis. Our previous work suggested the existence of molecular mimicry between antibodies raised against hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE)-modified protein and anti-DNA autoantibodies, a serologic hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In the present study, we investigated the possible involvement of HNE-modified proteins as the endogenous source of the anti-DNA antibodies.


4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), one of the most prominent lipid peroxidation-specific aldehydes, is believed to be largely responsible for the cytopathological effects observed during oxidative stress (4, 5). HNE exerts these effects because of its facile reactivity with biological materials, including proteins (Fig. 1) (5). Upon reaction of the protein, HNE specifically reacts with nucleophilic amino acids, such as cysteine, histidine, and lysine, to form stable Michael addition adducts possessing the cyclic hemiacetal structure (5). Previously, we raised the anti-HNE monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which enantios-electively recognized the (R)-HNE-histidine Michael adducts (11), and unexpectedly found that the sequence of an anti-HNE mAb was highly homologous to the anti-DNA autoantibodies (12). In addition, we characterized the ability of the mAb to recognize DNA and identified the 4-Oxo-2-nonenal (ONE)-modified 2′-deoxynucleoside (7-(2-oxo-heptyl)-substituted 1,N2-etheno-type 4-oxo-2-nonenal-2′-deoxynucleoside) as an alternative epitope. Based on these findings, we proposed the hypothesis that post-translational protein modification with lipid peroxidation products, such as HNE, could serve as an immunological trigger for the production of anti-DNA autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases.

[thanks @TuckerGoodrich]


Larcana said...

My thought is that, in each individual, the damage presents differently due to time and genetic effect. Epigenetics . This would explain why some are affected early and other late in life.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Larcana,

Yes, and also immune-related responses seems to be highly threshold-dependent, that is there is no symptoms and no damage until a certain limit of the trigger concentration is exceeded then the full blast hits the body. It is probably also aggravated by the mathematical collapse effect (in automation we call it positive feedback effect). Once the damage to DNA occurs and exceeds a certain threshold there is a run-away (a sudden "snap") effect when the dying tissue causes and accelerates a further immune response. The time signature of the response is therefore different from a typical metabolic damage caused for example by carbohydrates or some poison, when the body can cope until the rate of the damage (or consumption of the poison) is below the body auto-repair & regeneration speed. In this case the time signature is different and more gradual. Stan

JC said...


This is off topic. There may be some problems with K2 supplementation.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi JC,

I remember seeing studies that correlate vitamin K2 intake with reduced risk of cardiovascular events, by a large factor, bigger than 20% as in just calcium score tests.

Dr. Brewer objections are probably not consistent with cardiological practice, for example Dr. Agatston and others who reported correlation between rising calcium score and increasing risk, which does not seem to support the theory that soft less calcified plaque would be more dangerous.

Though theoretically, a decrease in calcium score may be due to either leaching of calcium from a plaque area that does not diminish in size and gets softer, therefore more dangerous. Or, due to a shrinkage of the entire plaque spot, which would be beneficial.

Blue Panther said...

This is wonderful article!

Do you think the same mechanism could be behind other autoimmune diseases? Like Hashimoto's and Graves disease?
There seems to be anti DNA antibodies in Graves:

"In comparison with controls, the prevalence of anti-dsDNA was 74.5% in AITD patients (p=0.0001), 82.0% in 39 hyperthyroid Graves' disease (GD) (p=0.0001), and 50.0% in 12 euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) patients (p=0.0001). The prevalence of anti-ssDNA was 90.1% in AITD (94.8% in GD and 75% in HT; p=0.001). The concentration of both anti-dsDNA and anti-ssDNA were higher (p=0.002) in AITD, in GD (p=0.001), and in HT (p=0.01) patients than in controls"


Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Blue Panther,

Very likely. If carbohydrate overload are the main cause of the metabolic problem then the addition of excess poly-unsaturated omega 6 oils may act as the trigger of auto-immune disease, aggravating it. In addition, in case of Hashimoto there seems to be an effect involving iodine transport being blocked or iodine deficiency caused by bad diet in general, especially given some irrational recommendations to restrict table salt and lack of fish in the diet. In the past, iodine supplementation appears to have been used very successfully as a remedy against Hashimoto and other forms of hyper and hypothyroidism.
We need to look at the mineral and micronutrient defficiencies as well, in order to understand better the mechanisms.

JERZY ZIĘBA writes about it in his book UKRYTE TERAPIE. ("Hidden Therapies").

Regards, Stan

Blue Panther said...

Thank you! Thats interesting. I will check out the book.

Do you think the increasing number of food allergies have something to do with this phenomena as well? I have noticed that many people with autoimmune diseases are also allergic to multiple foods too.

BTW would this be the correct way to explain thyroid autoimmune diseases according to this hypothesis:

HNE is highly reactive and reacts with proteins, so it might react with thyroid proteins as well. The body produces an immune response against these deformed proteins, these proteins are similar to the ones on the DNA thus antibodies agains DNA strands are produced as well.

I hope I am not misunderstanding.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Re: "I have noticed that many people with autoimmune diseases are also allergic to multiple foods too."

This may also be linked to the "leaky gut" syndrome.

Blue Panther said...

I think so to, HNE seems to affect gut permeability, perhaps it reacts with food proteins too rendering them more allergenic. (atleast thats what I got from reading some studies)