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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Telomere length correlates with red meat consumption

Blog article:

Unexpected relationship between Red Meat Diet and PBMC Telomere Length, Sep 28, 2016 1:30:54 AM / by Stacy Matthews Branch, DVM, PhD

Update 15-Jan-2020

500% extension for C.Elegans by TOR and Insulin IIS signaling modification:
Pathways that extend lifespan by 500 percent identified Discovery of cellular mechanisms could open door to more effective anti-aging therapies, Date:January 8, 2020, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory

The new research uses a double mutant in which the insulin signaling (IIS) and TOR pathways have been genetically altered. Because alteration of the IIS pathways yields a 100 percent increase in lifespan and alteration of the TOR pathway yields a 30 percent increase, the double mutant would be expected to live 130 percent longer. But instead, its lifespan was amplified by 500 percent.


"The relationship between peripheral blood mononuclear cells telomere length and diet - unexpected effect of red meat.", Kasielski M, Eusebio MO, Pietruczuk M, Nowak D., Nutr J. 2016 Jul 14;15(1)
Fig.1 from the paper above.

Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. "Pathways that extend lifespan by 500 percent identified: Discovery of cellular mechanisms could open door to more effective anti-aging therapies." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 January 2020.

Jianfeng Lan, Jarod A. Rollins, Xiao Zang, Di Wu, Lina Zou, Zi Wang, Chang Ye, Zixing Wu, Pankaj Kapahi, Aric N. Rogers, Di Chen. Translational Regulation of Non-autonomous Mitochondrial Stress Response Promotes Longevity. Cell Reports, 2019; 28 (4): 1050 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.06.078

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