2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Meat-and-greens diet reported to cure rheumatoid arthritis

These are just personal reports here below, from 3 people, not a study. Exactly, why no studies?

From Twitter


"All I eat is meat and greens, no carbohydrates"

Jordan Peterson cures an unspecified autoimmune disorder, psoriasis, gastric reflux, and gum disease, his 30-ty years old daughter Mikhaila cures a very severe form of rheumatoid arthritis (2 joint replacement at age 16) on an initially a "chicken-and-broccoli" diet (enhanced by other meats since).



Larcana said...

I have been eating this way for 11 years, no joint pain what so ever and my husband got rid of his plantar fasciitis doing the same thing. I am a practicing physician and tell all my patients to eat this way. I'd like to retire early!
Lauren Romeo, MD

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Larcana,

Good for you! You are the first doctor who wants to retire early due to her patients getting too healthy! :) On a serious note I am really glad that doctors like you exist, in my experience they always existed but often, until recently, were not able to state the facts, that contradicted the governement-imposed system of guidelines (which is breaking down now). I also noticed, not sure if your experience would confirm, that the specialist doctors more often seem to open to the new nutrition than the general practitioners. Best regards,


There is a whole list of illnesses including incurable which have been documented (for example in dr. Jan Kwasniewski "Homo Optimus" book) to "go away" or get outright cured on a ketogenic diet. It would be well worth investigating but there has never been an official study yet.

Such conditions include

1) many if not most auto-immune (MS, RA, AS, ALS, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto thyroiditis, IBS, Crohn's, lupus, etc

2) metabolic-endocrine dysfunction related (atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, glaucoma, liver cirrhosis, PCOS, hypo and hyperthyroiditis, abnormal obesity or failure-to-thrive)

3) greatly improves resistance to infectious bacterial and viral diseases (notable examples - Lyme disease, Hepatitis-A,B,C,D, TB, influenza etc )

4) certain genetic deficiencies seem to become less relevant or inconsequential when the nutrition changes to ketogenic. This is the least-known part but probably the most interesting. One such condition, and the only one documented (by a Dutch study) seems to be FH (familial hypercholesterolaemia) but I am sure there is a lot more! I am really curious about an impact upon Down-syndrome, cystic fibrosis, schizophrenia and other.

I think that would have made a perfect topic for a PhD in medicine.

Larcana said...

I agree, I work in hyperbaric medicine and we are doing a lot of research in metabolism, both for wound healing and cancer treatment.
I am hoping that we can turn the catastrophic increase in cancer, autoimmune disease and diabetes around someday.

Sam said...

I was reading http://roguehealthandfitness.com/how-to-lose-weight-without-hunger/ and in the comments this article was linked.

Connecting Eczema, Crohn’s and Alzheimer’s


Now here's what's super interesting about this paper. He has linked over use of Vitamin A with all these diseases. He makes a fairly good case for it. One of the really big clues is,

"...Decreasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Eastern Canada: a population database study.

The key observations here are:

A remarkable ~35% drop in Crohn’s disease over this time period (1996-2009)
A stunning ~50% drop in Alzheimer’s mortality over this time period ( 2000-2011)..."

This he linked to the collapse of the Eastern Canadian fisheries and the removal of these very high vitamin A level dish from the diet. He gives many other large population studies that show similar disease trends related to excess vitamin A intake.

What popped out in my mind as another influence is a question I have asked here and elsewhere over and over. It's seems such a mystery to me why some people seem to do very well on a vegetarian diet and some don't. Maybe this is the answer. If a first world wealthy person goes on a vegetarian diet they could have problems due to a eating a large amount of salads and vegetables with high vitamin A. A person in a less developed area would be more likely to eat a vegetarian diet with much less vitamin A. Maybe more starches as a mainstay of of their diet. This would explain the good health results from the two widely different diets. More meat might mean less vitamin A corresponding to good health with a no carb diet. Could it not be the carbs but the extra vitamin A fortified foods in the diet?

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Sam,
I will try to find more specific stats but even the general Canada-wide stats ( such as this https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/canada-food-trends-1.4742309 ) show strong decline in carbohydrate consumption, especially pop drinks and beer, also decline in wheat consumption. Vitamin A is probably an accidental coincidence. I haven't seen any studies indicating retinol correlating with health problems, in fact the opposite. Populations of Eskimos who consumed in the past vast quantities of vitamin a from seals and fish, did not show any signs of the degenerative diseases, until they begun eating starch based diet. Regards,

Sam said...

"...Eskimos who consumed in the past vast quantities of vitamin a from seals and fish, did not show any signs of the degenerative diseases, until they begun eating starch based diet..."

Good point but did they actually have good health??? Maybe I'm wrong about this but I seem to remember that Eskimos aged VERY fast. It, I think, was commented on by Vilhjalmur Stefansson who lived with them and in some ways started the all-meat low carb diet.


There's also another chink in this theory and that's the Japanese. The question for the Japanese is do they consume a lot of vegetables and fruits that have a lot of vitamin A?? I don't think so. Also all fish do not have lots of vitamin A. Do seals overall have large amounts of vitamin A. I don't know and wasn't able to find this info but did find that,"...The livers of certain animals, especially those adapted to polar environments such as polar bears and seals,[11] often contain amounts of vitamin A that would be toxic to humans...", so that says nothing about the rest of the animal.

Now I thought of another confirmation of the vitamin A poison hypothesis. The kids in silicon valley. They seem to have a lot of autism and other problems. They have blamed vaccines, genetics, etc. It's attributed to all kinds of things, genetics, vaccines, etc. but it could it be that they are feeding their children "properly' with lots of green leafy vegetables, bright fruits with massive vitamin A and combined with total fortification of just about everything with even more vitamin A???

"...I haven't seen any studies indicating retinol correlating with health problems..."

The drug accutane. Caused all kinds of problems related to what the author stated as vitamin A overload. Accutane is a derivative of vitamin A. So much so they discontinued the drug.

I'm not wedded to this idea but it did seem to provide an answer to my over and over complaint that some people do just fine on a high carb, high starch diet. I think this is undeniable and the people who are pro-low carb have to answer this to be logically consistent. It fits rather neatly. Especially how modern vegetarians in advanced countries have problems while tradition diets do not. That's one of the reason it impressed me so much. The Accutane link seems to really push it into the realm of possibility. Another is the Finnish vs Russian chart of these diseases. It's very likely to be some diet based difference. Maybe not but you usually can't go wrong with the simplest solution. There's something here and the vitamin A overdose theory neatly fits the facts as far as I can see.