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2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Fats don't kill - carbs kill!

According to conclusions from the recent study published in The Lancet (thanks JC for the link).

Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study

A decade-long study on 135 thousand participants, examined mortality risk versus macronutrients correlations, based on reported food-questionaires. The findings:

1) Higher carbohydrate intake was associated with 28% increased risk of total mortality (highest quintile 5 vs lowest quintile 1 category).

2) Higher intake of total fat was associated with 23% lower risk of total mortality (quintile 5 vs quintile 1).

3) Total fat and saturated and unsaturated fats were not significantly associated with risk of myocardial infarction or cardiovascular disease mortality.


"Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings."

Source link , design by Trey Cox