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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Calorie restriction theory - disproved!

I knew there must have been something dodgy about Calorie Restriction theory!  It turns out they badly messed up the original  2009 Wisconsin study by overloading monkeys with sugar!  Not surprizingly - the less of that feed the monkeys ate the better they did!  Gross incompetence! Too bad for those who believed in that theory! Too late for Dr. Roy Walford and probably for many many others like him!

Rhesus macaque (wiki)

In contrast to that, the new just published study in "Nature" used a healthier diet over 25 years. The result was that the calorie restricted monkeys had more disease, by about 40% more (see the graph below)  than the control group!

Calorie restriction falters in the long run.
Genetics and healthy diets matter more for longevity.

Quotes [green comments inserted by me]:

The verdict, from a 25-year study [NIA study] in rhesus monkeys fed 30% less than control animals, represents another setback for the notion that a simple, diet-triggered switch can slow ageing. Instead, the findings, published this week in Nature[1], suggest that genetics and dietary composition matter more for longevity than a simple calorie count.
One reason for that difference could be that the WNPRC 
[an older study that supposedly  "proved" less calories = live longer] monkeys were fed an unhealthy diet, which made the calorie-restricted monkeys seem healthier by comparison simply because they ate less of it. The WNPRC monkeys’ diets contained 28.5% sucrose, compared with 3.9% sucrose at the NIA. Meanwhile, the NIA meals included fish oil and antioxidants, whereas the WNPRC meals did not. Rick Weindruch, a gerontologist at the WNPRC who led the study, admits: "Overall, our diet was probably not as healthy."
Observational studies have found that people of average weight tend to live longest[3]. Nir Barzilai, a gerontologist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, says that the centenarians he studies have led him to believe that genetics is more important than diet and lifestyle. "They’re a chubby bunch," he says.

Fig 3. Incidence and estimated proportions of three major age-related diseases.
 Red=Caloric Restriction Group [more disease], Blue=Control Group[less disease]

Another article:

Severe Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys, by Gina Kolata


Aaron said...

hmmm- ray peat would love this info. Maybe it was the fish oil and antioxidants that lessened the lifespan.

Anonymous said...

These monkeys weren't burning fat as evidenced by their high TG numbers.

Usually, when CR is successful, glucose gets converted to fat before being burned. De novo lipogenesis and fat metabolism both increase despite eating less fat than controls.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Absolutely! I think, one of the most important aspect of metabolic resistance and hyperinsulinemia is burning glucose before fat! They got it probably from the excessive sugar in their diet. High TG+LDL and low HDL is another symptom of this.

I also think it is healthy to convert excessive glucose into fat and then store or burn the fat as needed because that confines most of the insulin work within the liver rather than allowing it to circulate in excessive amount throughout the rest of the body, as would be required if glucose were the predominant energy source for the rest of the body tissues and organs.