That's why a diet simultanously high in fat and carbs is detrimental, but a diet high in either one and not both, is not!
See on BBC health:
(Source: "Pathway to diabetes through attenuation of pancreatic beta cell glycosylation and glucose transport")
This is important finding that clears a lot of confusion. I used to answer countless of questions from diabetics (on other forums), the most frequent was this, paraphrasing:
"Why should I eat high fat diet if we know that it would increase my already high insulin resistance?"
This article is telling us that the answer to this is that it won't!
It will make pancreas stop reacting to blood glucose while you are eating fat AND carbohydrates at the same time. This won't matter you eat fat on its own with very little or no carbs! On the other hand, diabetic insulin resistance appears in this light to be a totally different phenomenon - related to body tissues and organs being permanently resistant to insulin that is already produced by pancreas and circulating throughout the body!
Will fat affect the tissue insulin resistance as well? Yes - probably by reducing it! As me and millions of other people who tried Dr. Jan Kwasniewski's Optimal Diet, have found!
We are probably dealing here with two opposing effects:
1) Detrimental effect of dietary fat upon pancreas preventing it from reacting to blood glucose
(Which matters if and only if one consumes significant amount of carbohydrates together and simultaneously with fat).
2) Positive long term effect of dietary fat upon body tissues and organs
Can a fatty meal impair cardiovascular health? Absolutely, since it can lead to hyperglycemia due to (1) if the meal is also high in carbs (I will pass that carrot cake, thank you...)
Can a high fat meal reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (see this)? Absolutely! If it is low in carbohydrates!
This clarifies also another issue, namely Dr. Kwasniewski's claim that a diet with 35-45% fat by calories is the most detrimental to one's health (for adults). It makes a lot more sense in the light of this article. (Note: since a diet typically would contain 10-20% protein, therefore 35-45% fat means 35-55% carbohydrates, by calories).
Bottom line:
- Do not mix high carbohydrate diet with high fat nutrition!
------------ Update 30-Aug-2011 -------------------
Read this:
Fat and Diabetes: Bad Press, Good Paper, and the Reemergence of Our Good Friend Glutathione
Nobel Prophecy Update
In 2007, Nobel Prize winner Al Gore prophesized an ice-free Arctic by 2014.
Since then, there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent. Dec 14, 2007,
13 hours ago
Thanks for the link, and great summary.
Does this mean we should avoid cycling between ketogenic state glucose burning state?
What are the ranges macro-nutrients do you recommend to avoid fouling up the beta cells?
A cycling between those two types of nutrition is not recommended because it takes time for the body to switch over from a high carb diet to a high fat low carb (ketogenic) diet. Minimum 2 weeks for young adults up to about 2 months for older people.
This is based on the experience of Optymalni Association (Poland), see also Dr. Jan Kwasniewski's books such as "Optymal Nutrition" and "Homo Optimus". This also agrees (if my memory is accurate) with Dr. W. Lutz published data (in his book "Life Without Bread").
An opposite switch - from a high fat low carb diet back to a high carb diet may take longer. I do not remember the exact figures (and am not sure if such data exists or was published in any form). Based on a personal communication by a doctor who observed it on some patients, it may be of the order of a few months (~6).
Hi Stan. I'm posting this here for posterity. I sent it you on Skype but I don't think you got it.
Ooops! The last link wrapped so here is a shortened version:
Hi Dave,
Couldn't respond earlier (I am reading Fallen Angels at the moment and didn't want to interrupt).
I don't have a very strong opinion for or against regarding Bill Clinton's diet. I think, a diet based on all natural produce will be an improvement (for a short time - a couple of years) over what he has been eating, even if it is vegetarian. However, he should add some animal fat and little bit of meat and fish, at some stage later, otherwise, he would most likely run against the same health problems after a few years on a strict vegan diet, as many other long term vegans did.
Your original link did copy in spite of the soft line breaks. Next time if you want to embed a link, this will work best:
<a href="http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/08/20/139782972/bill-clintons-life-as-a-vegan?ps=sh_sthdl">Your Link Example</a>
Denise Minger review
(Note: the following comment is a backup copy of a comment I tried to post under Chris Masterjohn's article, since WAPF Wordpress engine kept crashing. )
What you wrote makes a lot of sense and corroborates certain facts related to a high fat low carb nutrition from my own experience.
I have always wondered why is a high fat diet so much less forgiving against overeating than a mixed diet (like SAD) or a high carb low fat diet.
Symptoms of overeating on a HF diet are immediate (within a few hours) and unpleasant - nausea and a headache. Good think about it is that HF diets are intrinsically very hard to overeat because the way our digestive system works, a HF meal usually produces a strong and reliable satiety feedback within a short time, in most people. Those people that have this mechanism broken - may and do experience problems with any high fat diet. (Note: a good article about satiety, fat and carbs is linked here )
Stan (Heretic)
What evidence is there that the effect of "high-fat" diet isn't due to the type of fat (mostly processed vegetable oils in the modern diet), as opposed to fat in general? It seems to me you aren't isolating your variables or being scientific/rational. I say the studies do not prove at all your contention, as studies almost invariably use PUFA oils or processed/refined oils as do people eating packaged food and fast food and junk food in most contexts. Hence, there is not a shred of proof that "high-fat & high-carb causes disease" if it comes from NATURAL unrefined or WHOLE foods. Please clarify.
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