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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart - Official!!


(From Wikipedia)
Spot the junk bits!

Scientific American Magazine - April 27, 2010

Title: "Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart"


...compared the reported daily food intake of nearly 350,000 people against their risk of developing cardiovascular disease over a period of five to 23 years. The analysis, overseen by Ronald M. Krauss, director of atherosclerosis research at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, found no association between the amount of saturated fat consumed and the risk of heart disease.

... Stampfer’s findings do not merely suggest that saturated fats are not so bad; they indicate that carbohydrates could be worse. A 1997 study he co-authored in the Journal of the American Medical Association evaluated 65,000 women and found that the quintile of women who ate the most easily digestible and readily absorbed carbohydrates—that is, those with the highest glycemic index—were 47 percent more likely to acquire type 2 diabetes than those in the quintile with the lowest average glycemic-index score. (The amount of fat the women ate did not affect diabetes risk.)  And a 2007 Dutch study of 15,000 women ... who were overweight and in the quartile that consumed meals with the highest average glycemic load, a metric that incorporates portion size, were 79 percent more likely to develop coronary vascular disease ...

Another issue facing regulatory agencies, notes Harvard’s Stampfer, is that “the sugared beverage industry   [and vegetarians, my comment - H.]  is lobbying very hard and trying to cast doubt on all these studies.”

... Some monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in fish and olive oil, can protect against heart disease. What is more, some high-fiber carbohydrates are unquestionably good for the body. But saturated fats may ultimately be neutral compared with processed carbs and sugars such as those found in cereals, breads, pasta and cookies.

“If you reduce saturated fat and replace it with high glycemic-index carbohydrates, you may not only not get benefits—you might actually produce harm,” Ludwig argues. The next time you eat a piece of buttered toast, he says, consider that “butter is actually the more healthful component.”

Stan (not-so-Heretic)



Dr. B G said...

If only the USDA and the public schools could get this message before more collateral damage... *sigh*

Good post Heretic! Just had bacon, sausage AND eggs this morning *WINKY*

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Dr. BG,

Ideed, and it has taken them more than one generation of school children.

The study dr. Stampfer has been quoting was dated 1997.

Apperently, protection of school children or anyone must not have figured very high on the priority list of those so-called "authorities".

"We are from the government and we are here to help you"


nellborg said...

"What is more, some high-fiber carbohydrates are unquestionably good for the body. "

Is the author stepping on her own coattails here? No need to question high fiber carbs, right? That's so obviously healthy just like cholesterol is so obviously bad for you . . .

Almost unbiased, but alas . . .

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Tim, welcome to blog and thank you for comments!

Indeed but it is istill a huge improvement over the countless number of previous articles on the same subject in the official media including Sciam), that always, until now, treated the old Ancel Keys' dietary fabrication with velvet gloves as if it were an amost truth needing just some slight correction. I am so sick of those journalist-prostitutes (I appologise to prostitutes).
