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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Viruses as genetical information from the future

.This is based on the ideas by V. Kordium [add references]


Evolution strives to preserve genetic material against natural deterioration degradation in the short term due to noise.  This is achieved through over-reproduction and natural environmental selection.  The more environmental selection ("survival of the fittest") stages i.e. acquatic --> land --> air, -  the more efficient is that short term (thousands to hundred thousands  of years) protection against genetical code degradation, in favor of stability.  The more environmental stages involved during an individual life (i.e. aquatic,land,air etc) the more effective this short term error correction becomes witnessed by the extremely slow evolution speed of insects as opposed to quicker rate for mammals, and even quicker mutation rate of microorganisms.

However, this trend towards stability (stasis) may lead to a progressive detrimental loss of certain spurious or obsolete (for the time being) genetical information and genetical diversity, which is counter to the long term adaptability and works against the long term (1-100 millions of years) survival of the genome against major catastrophies or even a survival of an entire biosphere including the information-sphere ("Noosphere") may be at stake as it must have happened several times in Earth's geological history.  

Viruses may play a vital role in redistributing and preserving such presently "obsolete": but futurely essential genetic information! This process can be dubbed "back from the future" evolutionary transmission. 

[Acknowledgment: Alex "Trickster" Selkin, many thanks for the refs!]

References (Listing page)


References (Selected)


Кордюм В.А Эволюция и Биосфера. Киев. Наукова Думка 1982 г.

В монографии анализируется современное (1982 г.) состояние эволюционной теории. Подробно рассматриваются последние достижения в изучении переноса генетической информации у живых организмов. На основании обширного литературного материала и собственных данных произведена количественная оценка информационного окружения и, поступления в различные живые существа по конкретным информационным каналам материального носителя наследственности. Демонстрируется универсальность разбираемого процесса, который имеет место не только у прокариотов, но и у организмов с дифференцированным ядром. Развиваются представления о том, что для более правильной оценки эволюционных событий должна быть введена информационная составляющая эволюции.

Для биологов, селекционеров, преподавателей и студентов биологических факультетов.


Кордюм В. А. Viruses evolution – an attempt of non-linear prognosis. Biopolym. Cell. 2001; 17(6):467-486. http://dx.doi.org/10.7124/bc.0005D6

The non-traditional ideas about the possible evolution of the infections (mainly, viral), and its mechanisms are discussed and analysed in the review. The formation of Noosphere as a self-sufficient system, alternative to Biosphere caused the explosive (as for the scope and the rate) viral evolution. The discrepancy between the rate of viral variability and the rise of new infections is noted which suggests the «indefinition of infections». The acceleration and direction of the evolution of the infections (mainly, viral) a forecasted. The condition about the «ranges» of the infections' evolution is proved and the criteria for such «ranges» are formulated. The beginning of pure Noosphere contribution into the evolution of the infections is noted.


Kordyum V. A.What are our "garbage", its scavenging and the consequences of this phenomenon. Biopolym. Cell. 2002; 18(6):457-466.


Questions concerning a wide group of the organism vital activity waste formed and transformed in tissues are discussed. The definition of this waste, named as "garbage", is given. This designation is complementary to the term "scavenger receptor", the receptor through which the absorption of this group of vital activity garbage takes place. On the basis of analysis of "garbage" formation and utilization, possible pathological processes in the organism are considered, and the existence of a separate pathology form named «scavenger-syndrome», is postulated.


The concept presented is confirmed by both direct experiments on the genetic markers transfer and microscopic observations. The authors formulate an idea that there is a universal informational space of the organism, created due to the DNA release within the lifetime of cells without destroying their genomes (and DNA absorption, complementing the mutations) or due to the addressed transfer of genetic material by specialized cells.


This essay aims to define the origin, expansion, and evolution of living matter. The first formations, identified as remains, fossils, traces etc. of life are almost as old as the Earth itself. During four billion years, life on the Earth has continuously existed and been implemented in the range of conditions, ensuring the liquid state of water. During the entire period of life existence, its evolution was proceeding with the tendency of multidirectionality, after each catastrophe tending to the diversity and vastness of distribution, and all the currently living species, regardless of their complexity, have the same evolutionary age. The property of reproductive surplus (multiplication) is inherent in all the living matter. The reproduction of all the living matter is implemented via the “development” – a process of continuous occurrence of something new that did not exist in the previous moment in the reproduced individual at each specific moment of time with the tendency towards the reproduction of a “copy”. In its fundamental basis, Life is based on a programme, its material support is implemented and exists not in the field of causative-consecutive events, but in the field of programmed-causative-consecutive events. This predetermines the “biology laws”, the behaviour of the material constituent of Life at each time period, and the future of the material constituent of life


The review briefly describes the history of prediction and discovery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The evolution of our views on the nature, functions, and status of MSCs in the organism is presented. We propose that MSCs represent transient states of different cells. The MSCs are involved in tissue repair by programmed replacement of the dying or dead cells). They also induce o renewal of specialized differentiated cells by action of specific signal molecules). MSCs might also participate in the continuous renewal of an organism during its lifetime.


The problem of oncogenesis from the point of view of molecular genetics is analyzed. The special attention is paid to the genome instability as the main reason of the malignant cells growth. It is pointed out that the genome instability provides the material for the selection. An immune control system destroys everything what it can destroy. But at the same time it creates the «own» tumor for each patient, which is not recognized by the immune control system as a harmful one.


The ideas about viruses as tools for transduction of the genetic information in tlie biosphere that provide unity of all living beings in global scale have been developed in this article. According to these ideas, tlie previous and modern meaning of notion «virus», as an infectious basis that evokes pathologic events, does not correspond to new facts and should be radically reconsidered.


1 comment :

Sam said...

While this line of thought might be interesting in a "contemplating the folds of a navel" type idea, I think viruses are interested in survival of their own genes not ours.

This quote,"...the ideas about viruses as tools for transduction of the genetic information in tlie biosphere that provide unity of all living beings in global scale have been developed in this article...", to me, is the same sort of rationale like Rousseau's "man in the state of nature". Some things are just bad. They have no goodness to them, from our perspective. They are just bad.