2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Spike protein and cancer

"SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro" by Hui Jiang, Ya-Fang Mei, 2021 Oct 13

"53BP1: A key player of DNA damage response with critical functions in cancer", by Mohammad Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attariet al. Epub 2018 Nov 20


John said...

Oh, you poor soul...you are a target of misinformation. The vac*ines not only help us in the battle against cov*d, but they surely lower your chances of dying from non-cov*d causes; yes, the CDC/Kaiser data has been interpreted by an expert independent fact checker. I used the same fact checker to inform me that cov*d also causes diabetes in children.

It's funny that people I've been following for--15 years in some cases--all seem to have pretty similar ideas regarding cov*d topics. I don't remember a time any promoted a branch of politics or a specific politician, and it isn't even as if their physiological ideas overlap perfectly. What they do have in common is a capacity for critical thought, a baseline conservative skepticism, and genuine investigative attitude toward their interests. Those qualities might as well be considered evil nowadays.

I can barely have a conversation with someone who isn't a close friend or someone who has demonstrated some intellectual standard, like the bloggers, scientists, etc I follow. It's as if it has become duty to express one's philosophical and scientific *beliefs* in all conversations, and those mainstream/conformists beliefs have been sanctified. Of course the more Netflix and mainstream media one binges, the stronger it is one's duty, and the stronger is one's emotion.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi John, sorry for long wait for the response, I usually watch Twitter and FB more often than my blog. I have exactly the same observation regarding an attitude of my friends. I can't really talk to most people because they insyst I believe everything they believe, there is very little scope for a discussion. Also they lack a necessary backrground in basic science and almost all lack any knowledge of math and statistics.

I noticed also, like you, the strange correlation between posting on certain blogs, character traits, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences, for example:

- pro gun/pro 2A,
- pro conservative, libertarian
- self-reliant
- anti-vaccine anti-mandates
- anti income tax
- pro freedom of movement
- pro freedom of speech
- pro free market
- anti big government
- questioning the "climate theory" ("Denier")
- against political correctness
- questioning "gender" theory, feminism and other forms of leftism,
- some of us who grew up in certain countries are also anti-communists, anti-socialists,
- weird interest in UFO, paranormal phenomena ("Starseed")
