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2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Highly speculative musings on the cytokine storm, WWI typhus-lice plague, Spanish Flu and vacinasions


Highly speculative musings on the cytokine storm, WWI thyfus-lice plague, Spanish Flu and vacinasions
During my morning meditations, I recall receiving 3 (at least) warnings from my High self during the last few years: the first one was a general warning against all vacxinations carried out in the last decade or so.

The second warning was a specific information that the anti-rona vaxine constitutes a 'binary" bioweapon that primes the immune system towards cytokine storm when triggered by another disease which could be c0rona virus or any other virus, or any other infection or allergy. People who get vakcines are exposed to a high risk of dying of a subsequent infection or an allergic shock.

The third information I got through meditations a few months ago was that a very similar natural (probably) a "double-whammy" mechanism was responsible for the Spanish flu deaths of 1918-1921. Except in that case the immune primer was the lice-carried typhus disease (rather than the vaksines) that became a common plague in the trenches and barracks of the WWI. So common that tyfus often overshadowed the flu on the Eastern front. Then the subsequent spread of normally less cold or flu would trigger a deadly cytokines storm causing a rapid death by asphyxation. A connection between insect bites and cytokine storm is worth a further investigationg, imho.


Gyan said...

There is no single corona vaccine but multiple vaccine employing a spectrum of techniques and vectors. Are they all bioweapons?

Stan Bleszynski said...

Probably! I have no proof, just a hunch.