2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Prof DоIоrеs СанiII interview: Why people will start dying a few months after the first mRNA Vac




John said...

That might happen, but the vaccine will allow us to wear only two masks per person instead of 3+, which is very trendy now. Trust me; I read about it in the 'Times.' If you want
to be at the forefront of responsibility and science, you need to go paper under cloth under bandana under face shield under full helmet. It works only if you tell everyone how responsible and scientific you are though.

Sam said...

Get a look at this. It's hard to believe but...genetic engineering to change beliefs

That Windows Guy Showing CIA how to take God out of the Genes


In it they say that there's a god gene where people believe in God have this gene and that, you're not going to believe this watch it for yourself, here's subtitles,"

(3:00)Gates: ...the virus would immunize again against this vmat2 gene and that would would have the effect that we see here which is it's essentially to turn a fanatic into a a normal person and we think that will have major effects in the middle east

Q from audience:how would you suggest this would be dispersed

Gates:so the present uh plan and the test that we've done so far um have used uh uh respiratory viruses uh such as flu or or uh rhinoviruses and we believe that that's a satisfactory way to get the exposure of the largest part of the population most of us of course have had have to been exposed to both of those viruses and and we're we're quite confident that this will be a very successful uh approach...

The real question you have to ask yourself is if you believe that everyone is like you. A general empathic person who wants the best for everyone else generally. Or do you believe that some people positively live for domination, destruction and enslaving others. You have to think in these terms. Not what you yourself consider are your values but "if" others may have values that are to you totally unethical and will they act on these.

Myself, I know some people have no empathy at all and rejoice in the destruction of others. And when I see stuff like this and the next video I'm don't just block it out and say no one would do such a thing.

About a researcher who worked for the NIH and many other government agencies with a lot of awards to her name who was immediately dumped and vilified as soon as she found out the vaccine supply was contaminated with all kinds of bird and other flu type viruses. If you have an animal organ that you use to create and multiply a vaccine, as most are, then viruses in the animal can also undergo change at the same time and affect humans. They showed that a large amount of cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome and possibly Alzheimer's type diseases came from this very process. Of course the reaction to this was,"shut them down" and she was fired. Here's the video. It's long but worth watching because of it's tying up of a large amount of varied events showing them to have one cause.

Perspectives on the Pandemic


What's so bad about this is they could have worked to get non infected material to work with and that's what she thought they would do but that would have cut down on profits so...

It's a shame because I believe in vaccines. These assholes will make it so that no one will get them because the product is so bad and dangerous. I don't get flu or any other vaccines if I can avoid it because of this.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi John,

Absolutely. And three masks will surely virtue-signal even better than two. We can picture progressive people driving electric vehicles wearing 3 masks and getting vaccinated until they die.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Sam,

YT video 1:

No surprise here. Elite people have have believed in genetic modification, selective breeding and eugenics.

Gates seems to be a psycho. He was also filmed saying that he is looking forward to the next pandemic to be able to vaccinate a quarter of the world.

If you selectively bread people to eliminate all irrationality (or _condition_ people through education) then you will also suppress the intuitive/subconscious Mind which would render the population extremely fragile (in Nassim Taleb's sense of that word) and primed for extinction.

YT video 2: I love dr. Judy Mikovits presentations and watched many of her interviews, thanks for the link.
