2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Monday, August 5, 2019

keto diet against prostate and hyperinsulinemia


"Complex relationship between sex hormones, insulin resistance and leptin in men with and without prostatic disease", by Halina Grosman et al., Journal The Aging Male, Volume 19, 2016 - Issue 1

Results: Prostate cancer and BPH patients presented higher total, fT and bT levels than CG. IGF-1, insulin and HOMA index were higher in BPH than in the other two groups.

See also the following case report:


JC said...

Keto can increase the chance of dying from prostate cancer.


Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi JC,

That is Dr. Michael Greger's website! I have watched his over the last 20 years and never seen him posting anything true although it is theoretically possible that he one day might do so. Because of his consistent failure to stay truthful I am reluctant to spend my free time poring over his arguments and articles, but if you inst that it is worth it, then I may do it.

I suggest searching Pubmed rather than Greger's website if you want to find more about keto & prostate or glucose & prostate, or insulin & prostate cancer.

Best regards,

How has the plant-based diet worked for you, overall?

JC said...

As you know Im now on the SAD and have been for almost year,eating just for enjoyment.The plant based diet did solve my angina,hypertension,overweight 220 lbs, and blood sugar issues and my fasting insulin dropped to 3.My blood pressure went from 210/110 to 115/75 and my a1c went from 7 to 4.9....so I did see some positives from it.... but it did not turn out to be a good cancer diet.My PSA rose to 22.5 and a biopsy showed a gleason score of 9 with perinural invasion....super aggressive.I hope the surgery got it all but there were surgical margins.I figured why solve cardio issues just to let cancer take over so I said to H with it and now I eat everything.....but I dont ever want to see another salad again....steak,roast beef,burgers,ice cream.... have added great pleasure to my life.

JC said...

Stan,Dr Greger posts about various studies he comes across mostly for us to examine and debate.I dont take his studies too seriously but they do show how studies can vary a great deal and oppose each other.Im still a fan of Karl Popper....we should always try to disprove our own beliefs and theories.How have you been doing? Is your health still good? JC

that guy (◔_◔) said...

Have heard of sulforaphane found in raw brassica's for prostate cancer? and all cancer, but there has been specific research on prostate. (Dr. Rhonda Patrick has good videos).
A year ago, my father added 2-3 cups raw brassicas a day to his diet and his PSA and nocturia have both drastically decreased.
He has been eating between a keto to paleo diet with cheat days for years and his heart markers are the best ever now.
I haven't looked at your blog for ages, I can't wait to spend some time catching up - I am glad you are still posting!