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Sunday, November 11, 2018

To reduce nitrates eat less vegetables

5 times more dietary nitrates come from vegetables than from cured meats!

Not as bad ...  (Wiki - Saussage)

Not as healthy ...(Wiki Healthy_diet)
"Contribution of vegetables and cured meat to dietary nitrate and nitrite intake in Italian population: Safe level for cured meat and controversial role of vegetables"
Rossana Roila et al., Italian Journal of Food Safety, Vol 7, No 3 (2018)


Table 1 from the quoted paper.

The paper found that most nitrates in an average diet studied, come from vegetables not cured meats!

The average consumption among population resulted 3.45 g/kg bw/die [gram per kg body per daily dietary intake] and 0.62 g/kg bw/die for vegetables and cured meat respectively. The obtained data confirm that nitrate ADI was higher than the limits of 3.7 mg/kg bw/die for infants and was the highest exposure level for people of all ages. Cured meat consumption did not contribute to nitrate ADI exceedance neither as a mean nor as 99th percentile of exposure.


John said...

Next question: Do nitrates in the diet make a health difference?

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi John,
Its a good question! There was a spate of studies in the past blaming intestinal cancer (increased risk of) for nitrates in cured meats. Since vegetables are more implicated, there seems to be a silence in the "ether" on that topic.