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Saturday, August 11, 2018

how corporations use scientists to manipulate the public

The lawsuit and a verdict against Monsanto described in the article below illustrates the way large corporations use scientists to manipulate public opinion and to hide the inconvenient facts. I expect similar outcomes when the corporations and activists behind "Global Warming/Climate Change" and "Cholesterol/Fat Theory of Heart Disease" will be brought to trial in the similar fashion.

Monsanto ordered to pay $289m as jury rules weedkiller caused man's cancer


Johnson’s lawyers argued over the course of a month-long trial in San Francisco that Monsanto had “fought science” for years and targeted academics who spoke up about possible health risks of the herbicide product.
In the extraordinary verdict, which Monsanto said it intends to appeal, the jury ruled that the company was responsible for “negligent failure” and knew or should have known that its product was “dangerous”.

“We were finally able to show the jury the secret, internal Monsanto documents proving that Monsanto has known for decades that ... Roundup could cause cancer,” Johnson’s lawyer Brent Wisner said in a statement.
Johnson’s case was particularly significant because a judge allowed his team to present scientific arguments. The dispute centered on glyphosate, which is the world’s most widely used herbicide. The verdict came a month after a federal judge ruled that cancer survivors or relatives of the deceased could bring similar claims forward in another trial.

During the lengthy trial, the plaintiff’s attorneys brought forward internal emails from Monsanto executives that they said demonstrated how the corporation repeatedly ignored experts’ warnings, sought favorable scientific analyses and helped to “ghostwrite” research that encouraged continued usage.
Another Roundup cancer trial is scheduled to begin in the fall in St Louis, Missouri. According to Johnson’s lawyers, Monsanto is facing more than 4,000 similar cases across the US.

"Ghostwrite" research means that the corporations hired and paid some scientists to publish falsified or incomplete material in scientific journals in order to portray the company in a favorable light or to obfuscate the wrong-doings.

The following letter outlines the tactics employed by the corporation to manufacture a false outcry in the media and rally the public opinion against the whisteblowers and organisation (in this case IARC / WHO ) that have published damaging facts.

How Monsanto Manufactured ‘Outrage’ at IARC over Cancer Classification

As a side note I find it amusing that the similar to the above-described public-opinion manipulation techniques have been employed since 2016 in the English language media to manufacture an artificial anti-Trump and anti-Republican 'outrage', known as "Trump-Derangement Syndrome". :)



Sam said...

If Monsanto loses this it could bankrupt them.

Robin P Clarke said...

Shouldn't that be "scientists" rather than scientists in that headline?

Stan Bleszynski said...

Unfortunately both the Scientists and "scientists" seemed to have fallen under the corporate spell. :(