2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Everybody must watch The Magic Pill movie!


Unsurprisingly, wheat and carbohydrate-pushing Australian Medical Association and fake pardon - mainstream media slammed it with unsubstantiated accusations:

'It's patently ridiculous, harmful and mean': Doctors slam celebrity chef Pete Evans' new paleo documentary that claims the 'caveman' diet can treat chronic diseases


A new documentary by controversial celebrity chef Pete Evans which claims the paleo diet can treat chronic disease has been slammed by Australia's top doctors.
The film, The Magic Pill, claims people suffering from illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and autism can reduce their symptoms and reliance on prescription drugs by adopting the diet for just five weeks. Australian Medical Association president Michael Gannon has compared the documentary to controversial anti-vaccination film, Vaxxed, and said the two were competing 'in the awards for the films least likely to contribute to public health'. 'Elements of the discussion are just plain hurtful, harmful and mean,' Dr Gannon told The Daily Telegraph.

The AMA's outburst came after Evans stood by his outspoken views on the paleo diet during an interview on Channel Seven's Sunday Night program.
'This way of eating reverses Type 2 diabetes. And guess how quickly it takes? Six to eight weeks. Maybe three months,' he said.

Great Awakening has been going on for some time! I was regarded eccentric 19 years ago when I started eating this style - then I discovered that telling people to renounce the official "food pyramid" guidelines to cure their diseases was met with greater opposition than if I told them to renounce "Jesus". It is strange how people are addicted to carbs and to their diseases! You want to regain health - get rid of all that mainstream garbage!


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Climate scam has become a real problem


From the blog 

“Saving The Planet” Update : Wind Turbines Destroy Local Farming Village And Bees

CLIMATE alarmism’s primary objective is to scare you and policy makers into belief such that your taxes are effortlessly diverted, with little to no scrutiny, into research grants and green schemes and scams to supposedly stop bad weather by changing the temperature of the planet. Yet, no one can ever tell you by how much the temperature will change for each dollar spent. But alas, “Saving The Planet” is far more important than how your hard-earned money is spent, right?

CLIMATE research is paid for by you in the form of government grants. And, thanks to the system of pal peer-review, the most scary studies, prefaced by “anthropogenic” are given the green light, published in science journals with results interpreted by the compliant mainstream media and delivered back to you, to scare you even more such that you will happily donate more money to the scam research.


THE environmental movement bangs on about how important bees are to “existence as we know it”. So, maybe this microcosm of direct bee destruction might open the eyes of a few climate luvvies as to the clear and present danger that industrial wind turbines present to, not only peoples’ livelihoods and to their local economies, but to Gaia and her most precious workers ...