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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

105-year-old woman says eating bacon every day is her key to long life


Raw Story article


Pearl Cantrell’s love of bacon is so strong that the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile made a stop through town last week to wish her a happy birthday, all because she told a local news station her amazing secret.
"I love bacon, I eat it everyday," she told a reporter for Abilene-based Big Country Homepage in April. "I don’t feel as old as I am, that’s all I can say."


Puddleg said...

Maybe food reward is actually the key to longevity?
Perfect Health Diet has a few of these stories and it's amazing how often bacon is involved. Chicken too. These are higher n-6 meats...

Puddleg said...

But only fried chicken...

Tucker Goodrich said...

"These are higher n-6 meats..."

Before they're cooked...

Puddleg said...

Yet they are usually cooked in oil.
Longevity in these supercentenarians doesn't seem to depend on strict PUFA restriction, is the only point I draw from this. Nor does it depend on low-temperature cooking of protein foods.
These are probably genetically unique individuals and it is possible that they benefit hormetically from influences that are not ideal for shorter-lived humans. Or it may just be that other things, like a clear conscience and a long run of ordinary good luck, are so important for longevity that theusual dietary factors shrink into insignificance.

Stan Bleszynski said...

I am not sure if PUFA matters that much in a diet that is very high in saturated and monounsaturated fat or that it has a wide variety of fats. There is very little research specific to that. For example, studies that include large amount of PUFA of one ind may not be represantive to diet high in a variety of fats including PUFA. For example erucic acid (n-6 PUFA from rapeseed) is toxic to heart muscle if provided in an isolation but not toxic at all when eaten with butter, and in fact widely consumed in the past in India, without any documented toxicity.

I think, there is a lot of synergy about dietary fats, that is not widely known or researched.

Puddleg said...

Yes Stan, I'd have to agree with that. Insofar as I've looked at trans-fats one can make a plausible case that any trans-fat toxicity would be synergistic with that of LA and ALA -type PUFAs by hampering their elongation and oxidation.
Thus in the Sydney study, perhaps the combination of high-LA plus trans-fats was the culprit, and this is also why trans-fats in dairy are so benign.

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