http://www.salon.com/2012/12/17/adam_lanza_was_a_vegan/Another small detail emerged in the course of the interview, this time about Adam Lanza. Lanza was vegan, according to Hanoman, because he "didn’t want to hurt animals.".
http://www.salon.com/2012/12/17/adam_lanza_was_a_vegan/Another small detail emerged in the course of the interview, this time about Adam Lanza. Lanza was vegan, according to Hanoman, because he "didn’t want to hurt animals.".
A critical period for children's education is age 7-14. Anything they learn during that period will be "weaponized" for the rest of their lives. Do not let them socialize during this period. Slow down their puberty past the age of 14 using low carb high animal fat diet!
Seriously? You are going to put this up and then not mention all the mass murderers who were meat eaters? Wow.
I honestly think that your diet has nothing to do with your capacity to kill people, but that´s just my opinion :)
I wasn't serious, of course. However I did notice, over the years that many vegans I talked to seemed to be slightly on the bad tempered side of the average. Just my observation for whatever it is worth. Regards,
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