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Saturday, January 16, 2010

More on Fat and CHD - no correlation!

No statistically significant correlation between saturated fat and coronary heart disease!

Another meta-study was published by NZ authors recently on this subject:

"Dietary Fat and Coronary Heart Disease: Summary of Evidence from Prospective Cohort and Randomised Controlled Trials",  C. Murray Skeaff , Jody Miller,  Ann Nutr Metab 2009;55:173–201 Published online: September 15, 2009 
See also the previous blog posts on the same topic by Peter and Chris M.on Krauss' meta-study , about saturated fat and Coronary Heart Disease.


Hendrickus Brokking said...


Been at large for a while, but have re-surfaced, thinking you might be interested to learn of this recent Ontario ruling. Link to the Toronto Star article was kindly sent me by an obliging friend. (Somewhat irrelevant to your entry, though I do make reference to cream below!)


"O wise and upright judge!" (Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice).

Especially ironic is the reaction of the province and the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, as if the many members of these eminent bodies are so careful always to protect public and private health. To be consistent, the province had better enact legislation prohibiting the sale of alcohol, a frightful toxin even in minute quantities, and cigarettes; and all dairy farmers had better abstain from both drinking and smoking, and take to regular exercise, at the very least.

Apparently the province is oblivious to the fact that alcohol, by compromising intestinal permeability and permitting passage of bacterial endo-toxin into the general circulation, is an important accessory to countless serious and fatal bacterial infections, I daresay far more infections than if raw milk consumption ever gained even marked ascendancy. But we wonder if cigarette and alcohol sales represent too much tax revenue for our province to justify forbidding their sale; and the legal sale of raw milk, being by its very nature not only difficult to tax but frankly imparting a far richer and fuller taste - unhomogenized ultra-fresh cream! - to even the most unrefined palate, would do the same, as well by resurrecting the important practice of patronizing your local farmer for products taken from animals raised on an identifiable diet. Will I be branded a cynic should I entertain the possibility that the province levies taxes on these products just so, enough to make it appear as if drinking and smoking are not condoned, and not so high as to discourage drinking and smoking insomuch that tax revenue is compromised?

I quote: "According to the Ontario’s ministry of health, there were 145 cases of reportable enteric illness associated with unpasteurized milk in Ontario between 2005 and 2009" (cited from link above).

Another citation, this one from the province website, accessed moments ago, and from which the ensuing was copied (and I won't even bother invoking evidence speaking to the burden on the Ontario taxpayer represented by alcohol-mediated systemic and organ-specific bacterial infection):

"Drinking and driving continues to be one of Ontario’s most significant road safety issues. During the past decade, more than 2,000 lives have been lost and more than 50,000 people have sustained injuries in collisions involving a drinking driver.

Drinking and driving hurts everyone - through deaths, injuries and personal tragedies. It also hurts our economy through added costs for health care, emergency response and property damage. The financial cost to society of drinking and driving is estimated to be at least $3 billion annually.

While Ontario has come a long way, impaired driving remains a serious problem:

Every year, about 17,000 drivers are convicted of Criminal Code of Canada offences (including impaired driving, driving with a blood alcohol concentration of more than 0.08, criminal negligence causing bodily harm or death, manslaughter, dangerous driving and failure to remain at the scene of a collision). It is estimated that approximately three quarters of those convictions are related to drinking and driving.
Impaired drivers are involved in thousands of traffic collisions every year.

Drunk driving accounts for almost 25% of all fatalities on Ontario’s roads.

About 17,000 impaired driving incidents were reported by police in Ontario in 2005. In the same year, 174 people were killed and 3,852 were injured in motor vehicle collisions involving a drinking driver."


Stan Bleszynski said...

Great news, I can now buy milk from my neigbour! 8-:)

Hendrickus Brokking said...

Legally! No more black marketeering for cream literally fresh, and unadulterated by both homogenization procedures of questionable safety, and esoteric thickeners and extenders...

Hendrickus Brokking said...

Hi, Stan:

Sorry for inundating your blog thus, but a revision to my first comment, submitted in haste, is immediately indicated.

I wrote: "...All dairy farmers had better abstain from both drinking and smoking, and take to regular exercise, at the very least."

Revision (in block letters): "...All dairy farmers WHO OBJECT TO THE SALE OF RAW MILK IN THE INTEREST OF PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF ONTARIANS had better abstain...".

I doubt not that the spokesperson for the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Bill Mitchell, was not accurately reflecting the views of all dairy farmers when he said, "At this point, my expectation would be that the Ontario government would appeal the decision and defend the legislation and take all steps necessary to protect public health." Mr Mitchell might be surprised to learn how many farmers would be willing to sell raw milk if not for the legislation: I've made numerous inquiries over the years for raw milk, and very few farmers whom I have approached abstain from drinking raw milk from their own herd, and fewer still seem to put much stock in the notion that the consumption of fresh raw milk extracted under sanitary conditions from healthy animals is a threat to human health, even to those persons not previously exposed to it.