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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Coconut fat - proof of no harm and amazing benefits!

No I have not sold out (yet) to coconut marketing, I just think this is important! 8-:)

1. "Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies."


Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, Czochanska Z.

Am J Clin Nutr. 1981 Aug;34( 8 ) :1552-61


...Vascular disease is uncommon is both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.... ...

... The migration of Tokelau Islanders from their atolls to the very different environment of New Zealand is associated with changes in lipids that indicate increased risk of atherogenesis. This is associated with an actual fall in saturated fat intake to around 41% of energy, an increase in dietary cholesterol intake to 340 mg, and an increase in carbohydrate and sugar. Lipid changes include increased total cholesterol, higher LDLC and triglycerides, and lower HDLC levels (16) ...

2. "Doctor says an oil lessened Alzheimer's effects on her husband". The clock face drawings below are before, after 2weeks and after 37 days.

Dr. Mary Newport and her husband.  Dr. Mary's husband "clock" drawings below, original - left, after coconut treatment - right.  (picture restored from backup) 

http://www.tampabay.com/news/aging/article879333.ece (Note: the original link has died)

Take a look at the following quotes:

"Ketones are a high-energy fuel that nourish the brain," VanItallie said, explaining that when you are starving, the body produces ketones naturally. When digested, the liver converts MCT oil into ketones. In the first few weeks of life, ketones provide about 25 percent of the energy newborn babies need to survive.

Dr. Veech has been working with ketones for more than 40 years and has become a valuable resource to the Newport family. Currently, he is working for the military, looking into ketones as a way to improve the performance of troops in severe conditions.

and from the readers' comments below the article, by Dr. Mary Newport:

by Mary Nov 2, 2008 6:52 PM From Dr. Mary: Any non-hydrogenated coconut oil would have the ketone effect, contains no cholesterol. Steve's total cholesterol has remained [less than] 200, HDL and LDL are better than ever. It's reputation as "oil clogging fat" is a myth from the 1950's.


I found those article links on Stephan's blog (highly recommended!). I thought the subject deserves a separate thread. Other good source on the benefits of coconut (and other fats) is Weston A. Price Foundation .

Follow up after 9 years (better late than never!)



by Paul Fassa


Dr. Mary Newport, desperate after orthodox medical attempts failed her husband’s dwindling dysfunction from Alzheimer’s, discovered coconut oil and rescued him from having to be put away in a special home.
His remarkable recovery went viral on the internet and Dr. Newport wrote a 2011-12 bestseller, Alzheimer’s Disease: What if There Was a Cure?Both the Internet’s coverage and her book started an international grassroots movement of folks with very early dementia, even just brain fog and senior moments, trying themselves or helping relatives diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Thus creating a wave of success reports and testimonial videos.


Peter said...

Hmmm, pity about the lack of cholesterol raising effect but apart from that it seems reasonable stuff...

Love the solstice pictures. Am inspired for next month!


BTW, did you pick up Sue's comment on the HF paper?

Stan Bleszynski said...

Just now that you mentioned!

Sue wrote (on Peter's blog):

"... She [Nettleton] told me that the nutrient database generated from the FFQ did include sucrose but not HFCS. She suddenly became silent when I questioned her how much sucrose each group consumed."

Lovely! It only supports my deep suspicion that the mainstream academics know what is really going on but play stupid!

Taubes devotes an entire chapter to that issue (sugar and CHD) and then illustrates how it all degenerated in the 1960-ties into a shooting match between British researchers (sugar=CHD) and their American "colleagues" (fat=CHD). American "researchers" won of course because had more funding.

It is fascinating how did The City managed to impoverish the entire British economy, undermine the science funding etc, without anybody even noticing, much earlier than the Wall Street. 8-:)

Stan Bleszynski said...

Re: ... the lack of cholesterol raising effect ...

Good point! It seems all or most studies on saturated fat in the context of medium or high carbohydrate diet show increasing LDL and total cholesterol, while all studies with a truly high fat diet (Masai, Polynesia) show normal or low cholesterol!

If the mainstream medical academics didn't pretend to be "stupid", they would have published an obvious conclusion on what does really increase cholesterol. On the other hand, may be they aren't really pretending?

Gyan said...

In April we cut vegetable oil fromour diet except for rapeseed oil but ghee is our most favored cooking medium.

I have lost 4 kgs (from 76 kg to 72) but I feel weaker as if I lost muscle rather than fat.
My fasting sugar is down to 72
(83 in August and HbA1c 4.8)
and total cholesterol to 125 (215 in August) with HDL 40 (57 in August) and LDL 77 (130 in August).

Couple of weeks back I had fainted for 5 minutes after bathing in a river.
What could be my problem?
My diet is wheat and lentil based and very few processed food.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Gyan,

It is hard to guess what is the exact problem without knowing more details about your diet and other possible health conditions. From your description you are hypoglycemic. It is a symptom, not a diagnosis of the cause.

I can perhaps offer some general recommendation that should help in almost all cases while have no negative consequences: apart from ditching all bottled vegetable, especially do not use them for cooking or frying, I would add more animal fat and coconut fat to your dishes. Not only everything fried or cooked in butter (or ghee) will taste better, it will be healthier. Such fats will displace carbohydrates out of your food which will help with the weight loss. However you have to make sure that once you add more animal fats, to keep it best above 50% of calories. If you feel you cannot do that, you would be better off keeping the total fat below 30% of calories, like in Japanese or Thai cuisine. In either case (above 50% or below 30%) the cooking fat should still be mostly animal fat (unprocessed, not artifically hydrogenated), not veg oils!

Last but not least, many people are sensitive to low molecular mass wheat proteins and lectins (beans also contain lectins, but of a different kind). I could suggest to eliminate all wheat (and related plants) out of your diet and replace that with rice or potatoes. If that won't help then I would suggest reducing the amount of beans in your diet.

Incidentally I came across reports suggesting that beans should not form a bulk food for young children since it seems to be affecting their growth.

Stan Bleszynski said...

Correction: "apart from ditching all bottled vegetable"