2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Friday, August 30, 2024

Samuel Girod, To-mor-gone story


By Hillary Thornton Published: Jan. 26, 2017 at 2:10 PM PST Since October of 2015 Amish farmer, Samuel Girod has been facing a 12-count federal indictment. The charges against him include conspiracy, distributing misbranded drugs, and threatening a witness. Girod's troubles started back in 2013 when someone reported his products to the state health department in Missouri. A federal judge in Missouri put an injunction in place, banning Girod from making some of his products until he met certain conditions. Part of those conditions were inspections of the property where Girod made his products which is where Kentucky comes into play. Girod's makes his products on the family farm along Satterfield Lane in Bath County. The farm is home to Girod and his wife, along with their 12 children and 25 grandchildren.

"They are just devastated. I mean when they brought him out in handcuffs. It was awful," said family friend, Sally Oh. One product at the center of the lengthy indictment is Girod's Chickweed salve. "Its ingredients include rosemary, beeswax, olive oil," explained Oh.

"It said 'Chickweed Salve' up top, then on down said 'Cures Cancer.' Which for some people it did, but he can't say that. So he changed it to say 'Healing Chickweed,' but they said no you can't say healing. So now it just says 'Original Chickweed,'" explained Oh. Moody said, "I mean do you go to jail because you've messed up a label on a product? I thought you went to jail because you did something bad. I mean he mislabeled something? I doubt he knew any better." The FDA says Girod also passed out pamphlets touting his products' effectiveness in treating various conditions. It is because of those claims that under the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act the FDA says the products are defined as a drug even though multiple tests confirm the products do not contain drugs.
Got 6 years in jail

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Lectins can be anti-viral and anti-spike

. Mannose-specific lectins seems to play the role of anti-biotics for plants, protecting the plants against viral and other infections! Interestingly, mannose-specific lectins seem capable of effectively disactivating spike-protein! That is something to consider by people trying to detoxify their bodies from the co-vax.

Irreversible Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by Lectin Engagement with Two Glycan Clusters on the Spike Protein
infection by these viruses has been shown to be inhibited by the mannose-specific lectins cyanovirin-N (CV-N) and griffithsin (GRFT). We discovered in this study that CV-N not only inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection but also leads to irreversibly inactivated pseudovirus particles. The irreversibility effect was revealed by the observation that pseudoviruses first treated with CV-N and then washed to remove all soluble lectin did not recover infectivity. The infection inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus mutants with single-site glycan mutations in spike suggested that two glycan clusters in S1 are important for both CV-N and GRFT inhibition: one cluster associated with the RBD (receptor binding domain) and the second with the S1/S2 cleavage site. We observed lectin antiviral effects with several SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus variants, including the recently emerged omicron, as well as a fully infectious coronavirus, therein reflecting the breadth of lectin antiviral function and the potential for pan-coronavirus inactivation.
Carbohydrate Recognition by the Antiviral Lectin Cyanovirin-N
Cyanovirin-N (CVN) is a cyanobacterial lectin with potent antiviral activity and has been the focus of extensive preclinical investigation as a potential prophylactic for the prevention of the sexual transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- Peanuts?

Monday, April 15, 2024

Spike protein, a cellular torture!


Re-posted WALTER M CHESNUT's article from Substack: "A Cellular Peine Forte et Dure: The Spike Protein Induces Almost Imperceptible Chronic Inflammation with Devastating Consequences The key cytokine is almost certainly CCL2, and this was known in 2010!", by WALTER M CHESNUT APR 15, 2024


Upregulation of the Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 via a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike-ACE2 Signaling Pathway
Upregulation of the Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 via a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike-ACE2 Signaling Pathway

Why is upregulation of CCL2 (MCP-1) important and why is it dangerous?

CCL2 is expressed in, among other cells, endothelial cells. It is at Ground Zero of what I have called Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED). I believe this to be an initial condition (invasion) that leads to global organ dysfunction and destruction. Please search my Substack for background. CCL2 is involved in much SARS-CoV-2 sequelae.


Chemokines in tissue fibrosis

Just as I have previously hypothesized that the Spike Protein is inducing almost imperceptible “micro-tumors,” I have also hypothesized about it causing constant organ damage. This is through inducing almost imperceptible constant inflammation, which, ultimately also explains the accelerated aging I predicted the virus and its Spike Protein would cause. There is now proof of this mechanism.

A study published Friday proves that this low-level, constant inflammation is, indeed, occurring.


Cardiovascular symptoms of PASC are associated with trace-level cytokines that affect the function of human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes

This slow burn. Eroding all organs little by little. It is Bond-level diabolical. Of course, certain authorities would have us believe that the Bat and the Pangolin have managed to "create" one of the most stealthy and cruel conditions one could conceive – imagine what Humans could do!

We must investigate further. I believe that the Spike, via its amyloidogenic properties, either self-replicates, or is retrotranscribed into host DNA, or both. This is also further evidence that avoiding the Spike Protein (in ALL of its forms) and keeping an anti-inflammatory diet is critical. At least until we have a full understanding of the long-term effects of the Spike Protein and how to deal with them.

Thank you, as always, for your support, readership and dialog.