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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Scotland-UK gov report for Aug-Sep shows v. have very little effect on c. deaths


It is interesting to note that "The Age Standardised Mortality Rate per 100,000" figures given in Table 18 (i.e. 8.38, 4.93, 1.93 for the unv., 1-va and 2-va, for the 11-17 of September) are inconsistent with the population va rates and the number of deaths in each category. These rates are probably adjusted and corrected for other factors. Unfortunately they did not explain (or I missed it) how exactly they were adjusted and corrected.

That's why I re-ran the numbers myself to verify them. I took the number of unv'ed people who died of c. (59) in the period, dividing them by the total number of people who died of c. (59+10+233=302, that is the total of unv'ed plus 1-v'ed plus 2-v'ed who died).  Divide 59 by 302 - you will get 20%. The actual percentage of those who died of c. and were double-v'ed is 77% (that is 233 by 302).

If you google the population stats for Scotland, for September, you will find that 22% are unv'ed, 78% are at least once v'ed (therefore 7% are exactly once-v.) and 71% are double v'ed.

To summarize it, 22% of the entire population are unv'ed and constitute 20% of those who died on c.

Double v'ed constitute 71% of the entire population and 77% of those who died on c.

Note that the percentage figures of 20% and 22% are statistically the same, within the statistical error (=+/- square root of N divided by N, for Gaussian distribution), so are the figures 70% and 77% - which indicates that the v. are not really effective in averting the c. deaths in Scotland.


1/ SeeTable 18 in "Public Health Scotland C-XIX Statistical Report As at 27 September 2021"

Table 18 (from the above-report)

Age-Standardised Mortality Rate referenced in Table 18.

2/ C-XIX va. rates in Scotland, up to 10-Oct-2021, by Google search:

---- Update 24-Oct-2021 ----

Similar figures emerged from Israel.  Note: the following table provided by Dr. R. Malone has not been independently verified, as far as I know.

Update 3-Nov-2021, more references. 

3/ The UK data, similar to Scottish:

"COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 42"

4/ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mystery-rise-in-heart-attacks-from-blocked-arteries-m253drrnf

5/  https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/blog/2021/10/23/natural-immunity-vs-vaccination

6/ Updated 22/11/2021

Total deaths rates per 100k, for vaccinated and unvaccinated sub-populations. Allegedly based on the England's government sources, unverified!  [will add the source data reference later when I find them]