2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Vaccines and the innate and adaptive immune systems


This is my first stab at learning about vaccines. How exactly they work, what do the "adjuvants" do?


In a nutshell - modification of the mRNA (nucleoside uridine code) in covid vaccine acts similar to  adjuvants (in other vaccines) weakening the innate immune system in order to give the chance for the adaptive immune system to activate, recognize and store the pathogen's signature.

That explains why vaccinating against a specific pathogen may make one vulnerable (for a time) to some secondary "opportunistic" infections. Or cancer...

In 2005, Drs. Weissman and Kariko discovered a way to protect foreign mRNA from the body’s immune system. That scientific milestone would be key to the advancement of the mRNA vaccines in 2020.

Recently, the University of Pennsylvania Tweeted a picture of the Drs. Weissman and Kariko receiving their Covid vaccination, and reminding us of that milestone. One tweet commenting that they should receive the Nobel prize for their discovery.

The fundamental change discovered by Weissman and Kariko was that nucleoside modification could protect mRNA from the body’s immune defences:


Their key discovery, that by modifying the RNA code (modifying the nucleoside uridine), resulted in ablating the innate immune response, involved toll-like receptors (TLR).

This discovery was adopted in the mRNA technology used in Covid vaccines, in order that the foreign vaccine mRNA could enter cells without being destroyed.

By modifying the Uridine in the Pfizer vaccine mRNA code, the foreign mRNA is able to bypass part of the body’s first line of defence — the Innate Immune System.

The body possesses two broad parts to its immune system: innate and specific. The innate is the first to go into action against foreign invaders, including foreign mRNA from a vaccine.

How does that simple removal of one letter of code from mRNA achieve that? It does so by affecting Toll Like Receptors (TLR): the alarm signal of the Innate Immune System.

The key TLRs affected are TLR 3, TLR 7 and TLR 8. They act as sentries, whose job is to recognise foreign invaders by way of their form or patterns;

Dominguez-Andres et al addressed that question May 6th 2021. They state: ...

BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination.

We observed a significant reduction in the production if IFN-α secreted after stimulation with poly I:C and R848 after the administration of the second dose of the vaccine (Figure 1H, 1I). This may hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus, as defects in TLR7 have been shown to result in and increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males (Van Der Made et al., 2020). These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system and can also modulate innate immune responses.

Three concerns are raised by the above.
  1. The ability of the immune system to fight viruses has been diminished; specifically, the ability to fight SARS-CoV-2 may be affected;
  2. Vaccine-induced innate immune tolerance may affect other vaccines; and finally
  3. What other parts of the immune system may be affected.

Dr Ryan Cole, a Pathologist, in a recent presentation, stated that he is observing a 20 x uptick in endometrial cancer, and increases in other cancers post SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

The toll-like receptors 7 & 8 are described in the literature as important in eliciting the vital CD8 T cell response. With that in mind, let us remind ourselves what Drs. Weissman and Kariko wrote in 2005 in Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA:

We show that RNA signals through human TLR3, TLR7, and TLR8, but incorporation of modified nucleosides m5C, m6A, m5U, s2U, or pseudouridine ablates activity.

That very technology is being used in SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: It switches off TLR 7 & 8 signalling, that the immune system needs to fight infection and cancer.

Changes to key parts of the mRNA code in SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may be causal in changing the innate immune response via toll-like receptors. Toll-like receptors are important components in defence against infection and downstream effects may also include inhibition of CD8 T cell response. CD8 is a vital part of the immune system’s ability to eradicate infection and cancer. Those changes may be reflected in recent reactivated Varicella Zoster infections although specific mechanisms are unclear at the moment. Anecdotal reports of significant uptick in cancer presenting to medical consultants may be consistent with aberrant toll-like receptor and dendritic cell changes leading to an inhibition of the anti-cancer CD8 effector response. Further data are required but the prospect of an altered CD8 response to infection and cancer is very concerning and should prompt urgent investigation.
Updated 2-Oct-2021

Another issue to investigate is cytokine storm and ADE (Anti-body Dependent Enhancement)

See the references in: "Mechanism behind rona virus damage"

Monday, September 27, 2021

smokers hospitalized less often for covid


Smokers Hospitalized Less Often for COVID-19 By Carolyn Crist
The hypothesis comes from Konstantinos Farsalinos, a cardiologist in Greece who focuses on tobacco-use reduction. Farsalinos noticed that few COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized in China were smokers, though about half of men in the country smoke.
Farsalinos and colleagues wrote a new paper available as a preprint and scheduled to be published in Internal and Emergency Medicine. They found that among 13 studies in China with nearly 6,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, the rate of smokers ranged from 1.4% to 12.6%. No studies recorded e-cigarette use.
“The results were remarkably consistent across all studies and were recently verified in the first case series of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.,” the authors wrote, calling for an “urgent investigation.”
Of course, Farsalinos doesn't recommend that people should begin smoking simply to attempt to avoid a severe case of COVID-19.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Physical activity increases cardiovascular calcium score


Note: "Calcium Score" they are refering to is also refered to as CAC Scan or Agatston Calcium Score. The reason Dr. Angie Brown quoted in the article was downplaying the "Calcium Score" method is, IMHO, because the results obtained by it are often contradictory to the prevailing medical paradigm. In spite of many cardiologists using it as very reliable diagnostics and risk assessment method. Quote:
The results suggested an overreliance on calcium scores and imaging alone may not be the best way to assess cardiovascular risk, said Dr Brown, a consultant cardiologist.

Unfortunately I was not yet able to locate the original (Korean) study, I will post the link when I find it.

Quote from the article:
To explore the issue further, the researchers studied healthy adults attending for check-ups in South Korea over a six-year period.
Those who were more physically active tended to be older and less likely to smoke than less physically active participants. They also had lower total cholesterol, more high blood pressure, and existing evidence of calcium deposits in their coronary arteries.
An association between physical activity level and the prevalence and progression of coronary artery calcification emerged over time. Higher physical activity was associated with faster progression of calcification scores.
Experts said the new study may mean that exercise increases the risk of a heart attack, or it may be that calcium build-up is not a good measure of heart attack risk.

Curious lack of discussion on natural immunity


"Why ''Natural Immunity'' Is A Political Problem For The Regime", by CD Media StaffSeptember 24, 2021
Both the Mayo Clinic website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, for example, insist that “research has not yet shown” that people who have recovered from covid have any sort of reliable protection. Moreover, the CDC page points to a single study from Kentucky claiming that people with natural immunity are more than twice as likely to contract covid again, compared to people who have been vaccinated.

More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June Cleveland Clinic study of health-care workers (who are often exposed to the virus), in which none who had previously tested positive for the coronavirus got reinfected. The study authors concluded that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.

The policy bias in favor of vaccines ignores many other facts as well, such as the relative risks of vaccines, especially for the young:

The current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention position about vaccinating children also dismisses the benefits of natural immunity. The Los Angeles County School District recently mandated vaccines for students ages 12 and up who want to learn in person. But young people are less likely to suffer severe or long-lasting symptoms from covid-19 than adults, and have experienced rare heart complications from the vaccines. In Israel, heart inflammation has been observed in between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 6,000 males age 16 to 24; the CDC has confirmed 854 reports nationally in people age 30 and younger who got the vaccine. ...

... For comparison, the CDC has long recommended that kids do not get the chickenpox vaccine if they had chickenpox infection in the past.

The nonscientific, ideology-induced blind spot for natural immunity also prompted The BMJ (the journal of the British Medical Association) to note that “[w]hen the vaccine rollout began in mid-December 2020, more than one quarter of Americans—91 million—had been infected with SARS-CoV-2…. As of this May, that proportion had risen to more than a third of the population, including 44% of adults aged 18–59.”

And yet, the authors note this fact doesn’t appear to be a part of any policy discussion at all:

The substantial number of infections, coupled with the increasing scientific evidence that natural immunity was durable, led some medical observers to ask why natural immunity didn’t seem to be factored into decisions about prioritising vaccination.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dairy fat could PREVENT a heart attack


Dairy fat from milk, butter, and cheese could actually PREVENT a heart attack SEPTEMBER 21,2021
“Many studies have relied on people being able to remember and record the amounts and types of dairy foods they have eaten, which is especially difficult given dairy is commonly used in a variety of foods,” says study co-author Dr. Matti Marklund from Uppsala University, in a statement.
“Instead, we measured blood levels of certain fatty acids, or fat ‘building blocks’ that are found in dairy foods, which gives a more objective measure of dairy fat intake that doesn’t rely on memory or the quality of food databases,” Dr. Marklund continues. “We found those with the highest levels actually had the lowest risk of CVD.”
... Researchers assessed dairy fat consumption in the group of Swedish 60-year-olds by measuring blood levels of a particular fatty acid. This substance generally appears in dairy foods and is therefore useful in reflecting intake of dairy fat. Study authors tracked the group for an average of 16 years to see how many had heart attacks, strokes, and other serious circulatory events. They also looked at how many died from any cause during this time.
The CVD risk was lowest for those with high levels of the fatty acid, coming from a high intake of dairy fats. The results remained the same after accounting for factors including age, income, lifestyle, dietary habits, and other illnesses. Moreover, those with the highest levels had no increased risk of death from all causes.