"The effects of so called 'optimal diet' on health status, physical activity
and selected civilization diseases", by Przemysław Fabijański et al., Hygeia Public Health 2011, 46(1): 51-56, www.h-ph.pl, 28.01.2011
"HF LC diet" = High Fat Low Carbohydrate diet (dr. Jan Kwasniewski's "Optimal Diet")
Introduction. So called “optimal diet” – a low-carbohydrate, high-fat
diet, different from Atkins diet – has become very popular in Poland
during the last 20 years. It is very controversial; official dietetics in
Poland claim it is extremely noxious.
Aim [Objectives]. To check what are the effects of so-called “optimal diet” on
health status, frame of mind of people, their physical activity and
diseases including type 2 diabetes.
Material and methods. 436 persons aged 20-75 years, both
women (247) and men (189) were examined. 231 of them applied
“optimal diet” and 205 did not. 86 confirmed they suffered from
type 2 diabetes. All examined persons were inquired with our own
Results. Quite a lot of statistically significant dependencies were
found to exist. They show us that persons applying the “optimal
diet” might be physically active longer than the persons not applying
it. The majority of the “optimal diet” users claim they got rid of
overweight owing to this diet. Quite many of them claim they
cured themselves of the diabetes or at least the diabetes distress
has distinctly diminished.
Conclusions. The persons applying the “optimal diet” claim they
got rid of overweight or even cured themselves of the diabetes
owing to the diet. Our data do seem to confirm the last reports
(Al-Khalifa et al. 2009).
Fig.1 and Fig.2

Explanations to Fig.1:
"stosujący DO" = Using Optimal Diet,
"nie stosujący OD" = Not using Optimal Diet.
Horizontal axis:
Answers to the question: “Are you suffering from diabetes at present?”
"Tak" = Yes,
"Nie, ale kiedyś chorowałem/łam" = No but I used to suffer from it.
Explanations to Fig.2:
"stan cukrzycy nie zmienił się" = diabetes status hasn't changed
"cukrzyca zaczęła spadać" = diabetes started to recede
"praktycznie cukrzyca zniknęła" = diabetes practically disappeared
Translation of the text between Fig.1 and Fig.2:
"Over half of the respondents were able (in their opinion)-----
to heal themselves of diabetes using the so-called optimal diet [OD], but it was not possible for anyone (according to respondents' opinions) who did not follow the OD."