2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - Two millenia-old Rational Collectivist societal cycle gives way to the Self-Empowered Individualism. /
2025 Golden Age begins

Friday, February 24, 2017

High fat diet appears to regenerate diabetic pancreas

Is this possibly a cure for diabetes type 1 ?    According to this BBC article and the quoted study, it may be so!

Interestingly, dr. Jan Kwasniewski , creator of the "Optimal Diet" has always claimed that such diet can virtually cure about 9 out of 10 of diabetes type 1, based on his personal patient's records from his own medical practice during 1970-ties and 1980-ties. The reason, according to him, is that in most cases, there are at least residual 10% of the pancreatic beta cells still intact allowing the patient to survive on the high fat diet, on about 6 insulin units per day, which is about 10% of the normal (on a high carb diet) insulin production. Such low insulin requirements is only attainable on a diet that is very low in carbohydrates, low in protein and therefore - high in fat. Dr. Kwasniewski always recommended to eat mostly animal fat and saturated fats, with a minimal to none contents of polyunsaturated vegetable oils. This is interesting because that was back in the days when the  negative impact of polyunsaturated oils upon health was not as widely known as it is now. I always admired his medical insights ever since I learned about and adopted his diet in 1999. Since I don't normally trust opinions and always try to "touch the wound", so to speak, I always made efforts to verify and test all his claims. Every time when I thought he may have been wrong about some details such as vegetable fats issue or his preference on saturated fats, or insistence that cholesterol is a good thing and egg yolks are the best food (back in the 1970-ties!) - sooner or later he turned out to have been correct!


Monday, February 20, 2017

Quantum processing in brain via phosphorus nucleons' spin

There is a revolution in physics going on, regarding research on the nature of consciousness, neural transmission and signal processing in the brain.  This seems like a very  important paper:

by Matthew Fisher




Fisher's theory of quantum entanglement in the brain starts with the chemical compound pyrophosphate.

Known to be essential for cellular function, pyrophosphate is made of two bonded phosphates, each made up of phosphorus (which has a nuclear spin of ½) and oxygen (which has a spin of zero).

When pyrophosphate is broken down by enzymes, the bonded pair of phosphate ions separates.

Pairs of spin-½ particles can combine in one of four ways. Three combinations lead to a total spin of one, and these are called triplet states. The fourth leads to a spin of zero, or a "singlet state," which is a special state of entanglement often referred to as the currency of quantum computing.

The enzyme catalysis of pyrophosphate occurs more often, and possibly only, if the bonded phosphate ions are in a singlet state. These entangled ions could then be "taken up" by nanometre-diameter-sized Posner molecules. Made up of six phosphate ions bound to nine calcium ions, Posner molecules have been identified in simulated body fluid and are thought to be present in the body.

The other ingredients in Posner molecules – calcium and oxygen – do not have a nuclear spin, and the small molecules are very spherical, thus are expected to tumble rapidly in water. This means the quantum entanglement of the phosphate ions is expected to be highly protected from its environment, and could remain coherent for a day or much longer.

With Posner molecules serving as a "qubit memory," the end result could lead to non-local quantum correlations – what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance" – in neurotransmitter release and postsynaptic firing across multiple neurons. This is what Fisher calls quantum cognition.

See also

Neural qubits: Quantum cognition based on synaptic nuclear spins
August 27, 2015 by John Hewitt report



Can Quantum Physics Explain Consciousness?
A new approach to a once far fetched theory is making it plausible that the brain functions like a quantum computer.



From Atlantic, Nov-2016


Quantum Cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain

Matthew P. A. Fisher
(Submitted on 19 Aug 2015 (v1), last revised 29 Aug 2015 (this version, v2))



The possibility that quantum processing with nuclear spins might be operative in the brain is proposed and then explored. Phosphorus is identified as the unique biological element with a nuclear spin that can serve as a qubit for such putative quantum processing - a neural qubit - while the phosphate ion is the only possible qubit-transporter. We identify the "Posner molecule", Ca9(PO4)6, as the unique molecule that can protect the neural qubits on very long times and thereby serve as a (working) quantum-memory. A central requirement for quantum-processing is quantum entanglement. It is argued that the enzyme catalyzed chemical reaction which breaks a pyrophosphate ion into two phosphate ions can quantum entangle pairs of qubits. Posner molecules, formed by binding such phosphate pairs with extracellular calcium ions, will inherit the nuclear spin entanglement. A mechanism for transporting Posner molecules into presynaptic neurons during a "kiss and run" exocytosis, which releases neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, is proposed. Quantum measurements can occur when a pair of Posner molecules chemically bind and subsequently melt, releasing a shower of intra-cellular calcium ions that can trigger further neurotransmitter release and enhance the probability of post-synaptic neuron firing. Multiple entangled Posner molecules, triggering non-local quantum correlations of neuron firing rates, would provide the key mechanism for neural quantum processing. Implications, both in vitro and in vivo, are briefly mentioned.
