"COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study", by Martin Scholz * , Roland Derwand , Vladimir Zelenko,
Version 1, Published Online: 3 July 2020
Objective: To describe outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the outpatient setting after early treatment with zinc, low dose hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin (the triple therapy) dependent on risk stratification. Design: Retrospective case series study. Setting: General practice. Participants: 141 COVID-19 patients with laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in the year 2020. Main Outcome Measures: Risk-stratified treatment decision, rate of hospitalization and all-cause death. Results: Of 335 positively PCR-tested COVID-19 patients, 127 were treated with the triple therapy. 104 of 127 met the defined risk stratification criteria and were included in the analysis. In addition, 37 treated and eligible patients who were confirmed by IgG tests were included in the treatment group (total N=141). 208 of the 335 patients did not meet the risk stratification criteria and were not treated. After 4 days (median, IQR 3-6, available for N=66/141) of onset of symptoms, 141 patients (median age 58 years, IQR 40-60; 73% male) got a prescription for the triple therapy for 5 days. Independent public reference data from 377 confirmed COVID-19 patients of the same community were used as untreated control. 4 of 141 treated patients (2.8%) were hospitalized, which was significantly less (p less than 0.001) compared with 58 of 377 untreated patients (15.4%) (odds ratio 0.16, 95% CI 0.06-0.5). Therefore, the odds of hospitalization of treated patients were 84% less than in the untreated group. One patient (0.7%) died in the treatment group versus 13 patients (3.5%) in the untreated group (odds ratio 0.2, 95% CI 0.03-1.5; p=0.16). There were no cardiac side effects. Conclusions: Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset with the used triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly less hospitalizations and 5 times less all-cause deaths.
"Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts", By Maggie Fox, Andrea Kane, and Elizabeth Cohen, CNN
Updated 1:31 PM ET, Fri July 3, 2020
(new link to Ford Study)
(CNN)A surprising new study found the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped patients better survive in the hospital. But the findings, like the federal government's use of the drug itself, were disputed.
A team at Henry Ford Health System in southeast Michigan said Thursday their study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die.
Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who got the drug. The team looked back at everyone treated in the hospital system since the first patient in March.
"Overall crude mortality rates were 18.1% in the entire cohort, 13.5% in the hydroxychloroquine alone group, 20.1% among those receiving hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, 22.4% among the azithromycin alone group, and 26.4% for neither drug," the team wrote in a report published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
It's a surprising finding because several other studies have found no benefit from hydroxychloroquine, a drug originally developed to treat and prevent malaria. President Donald Trump touted the drug heavily, but later studies found not only did patients not do better if they got the drug, they were more likely to suffer cardiac side effects....
Comment (by Heretic): some of those negative studies that resulted in governments of many countries and WHO abandoning this line of therapies, most notably the one published recently by The Lancet were based on fraud and has since been recalled. (P.S., CNN - "purveyors of fake news" as they say, when I find a more credible link I will post it, but for now, sorry...)
------------------ Follow up story (5-July-2020 -------------------------
Medical establishment has been recently attempting to suppress a common drug against the recent flu outbreak. The drug that was recommended by the US president - hydroxychloroquine. The suppression involved publishing a completely fabricated negative trial paper using fraudulent data (see the recently super-quickly published and equally quickly retracted Lancet paper) while promoting some alternative drugs and hypothetical (future) vaccines by the top US health official Dr. Fauci.
One of such drug is Remdesivir produced by Gilead Sciences. Now it turns out that Remdesivir seems to be ineffective, see below:
... and the company or their backers in the medical establishment attempted to cover it up:
... but there are also some new doubts cast on the Remdesivir trial conducted by Dr. Fauci's company itself.
One such doubt is the trial specification removing "Death" from the set of sought outcomes.
At the same time, the two recently disclosed or published studies on hydroxychloroquine showed dramatic and positive outcome on patients' recovery. As you can see in the original section posted above. For example mortality reductions by 2 to 5 times!
So it turns out, the president of the United states was correct while his top medical advisor was wrong (at best) or may even end up proven malfaisant in the future.
Youtube video:
posted May 4, 2020
by "The HighWire with Del Bigtree"
(Note: I recommend watching it soon, it might not remain for very long!)
Update 1-Aug-2020 - Youtube just "torched" Dell Bigtree's account last week! I hope He Will be Back!
Update 1-Aug-2020 - Youtube just "torched" Dell Bigtree's account last week! I hope He Will be Back!
------------------- Update 07/07/2020 ------------------
"Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis", by Jean-Christophe Lagier et al., Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 25 June 2020, 101791
...Treatment with HCQ-AZ was associated with a decreased risk of transfer to ICU or death (Hazard ratio (HR) 0.18 0.11–0.27), decreased risk of hospitalization ≥10 days (odds ratios 95% CI 0.38 0.27–0.54) and shorter duration of viral shedding (time to negative PCR: HR 1.29 1.17–1.42). QTc prolongation (greater than 60 ms) was observed in 25 patients (0.67%) leading to the cessation of treatment in 12 cases including 3 cases with QTc greater than 500 ms. No cases of torsade de pointe or sudden death were observed.
Although this is a retrospective analysis, results suggest that early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment of COVID-19 patients, with at least 3 days of HCQ-AZ lead to a significantly better clinical outcome and a faster viral load reduction than other treatments.
----------------- Update 1/08/2020 ----------------------
FDA Hydroxychloroquine Ban, Fake Science, And Political Agendas,
Have COVID-19 patients been given lethal doses of hydroxychloroquine to discredit its efficacy?
By: Pennel BirdJune 21, 2020Articles, Healthcare, Ignored by MSM, Politics
Studies Designed To Fail
As Doctor Jim Meehan conjectures, these studies are designed to fail. He believes this is being done to contrive a message to manipulate, mislead and deceive the masses, and that public health is being subverted by commercial bias and political agendas. ...
And these excessive doses are not only making it impossible to assess the therapeutic benefits of HCQ for COVID-19 patients accurately. They are clearly hastening the deaths of many in the study who have been unaccountably administered dangerous amounts of a highly effective drug with a 70-year record of safety and efficacy. A highly salient point made by Del Bigtree of ICAN is that well over 5 million doses of hydroxychloroquine were taken in the United States in 2107 [2017?] for the treatment of lupus, arthritis, and malaria. If the FDA is so concerned about adverse effects associated with HCQ, why wait until now to revoke its use when it was used so widely and so effectively just a few years ago? ...
------------------ Update 9-Aug-2020 --------------
List of 70 studies (42 peer-reviewed) on Covid-19 treatment using Hydrochloroquine and other.
--------------------- Update 1-Sep-2020 ----------------------------------
Link to the article: "Covid Analysis" This is a compilation of 84 published studies, 49 of them peer-reviewed (all referenced and linked):

Covid Analysis
Link to the article: "Covid Analysis" This is a compilation of 84 published studies, 49 of them peer-reviewed (all referenced and linked):

Covid Analysis
----------------- Update 21-Oct-2020 ----------------------------
Dubee et al., medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2020.10.19.20214940 (Preprint), "A placebo-controlled double blind trial of hydroxychloroquine in mild-to-moderate COVID-19"
Small early terminated late stage (60% on oxygen) RCT in France showing 46% lower mortality. mortality at 28 days relative risk RR 0.54 [0.21-1.42] combined mortality/intubation at 28 days relative risk RR 0.74 [0.33-1.70]
----------------- Update 25 Nov 2020 -------------------------------
"Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine", by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer, November 25, 2020
I have little interest myself in hydroxychloroquine, but what a total disgrace we have seen surrounding this. These groups and certain individuals have zero integrity, zero interest in scientific discovery. Whenever I see garbage like this, I think back to this 1951 book (case study, journal, w/e) I have by William Kountz called 'Thyroid function and Its Possible Role in Vascular Degeneration.' He presents an idea, tries to support it, considers alternatives, provides follow-up questions and ideas. You just rarely see that kind of thorough investigation and objectivity nowadays. It's scary to think what kinds of dangerous roads we all may be forced down.
In this case we are dealing with a criminal cabal/conspiracy (real!) in the positions of authority, and not just limited to the medical establishment!
I certainly could be wrong but it appears to me a great deal of the leadership of medicine is actively thwarting cures for corona. Some of them have been caught in direct lies and they drag their feet with any sort of cure that is cheap and readily available. I don't have access to hydroxychloroquine but there are other drugs I can get. I saw where Ivermectin was very effective.
It's crazy that we have to go to such sources to get info but if you search the official sources mostly tell you not to take stuff not proven. You have to look around to find studies. Anyways I went and bought Ivermectin to stockpile from tractor supply. It's used for horses. My understanding is all these come from the same factories and I would rather have it than not. Good luck getting a physician to prescribe something off label.
Hi Sam,
It's worse than that! In my humble opinion we are dealing with an intentional onslaught of the elite and the power brokers against the rest of the humanity to brain-fuck or kill-off the population, and not just in medicine and pharmacy. It was the same when they propagated fake cholesterol-heart disease theory in the last 60 years, while we assumed they were making an "honest" mistake resulting from the lack of data. That wasn't an honest mistake! The same about low fat diet promotions. The same about promoting veganism & fake meat. The same about "ozone hole" theory, "global cooling", "global warming", promoting political correctness and idiotic or irrelevant gender theories, propagating rabid feminism, anti-carbon hysteria, setting American Native people and Black against Europeans under false pretences, faking or blowing environmental issues out of proportions, paying for teaching leftism and marksism to school kids, faking history, removing inconvenient archaeological artifacts and firing anti-Clovis academics. The same about "swamp gas" UFO theory or slandering UFO and paranormal researchers with the "looney conspiratorialism" label. Did I miss anything? :) Best regards,
Stan (Heretic)
I missed mentioning the vaccine stories! That's another true conspiratorial horror!
Everything you said is true. Everything and more and there's a mass of evidence for all of it.
The only thing I would quibble about is UFO's. I flat out do not believe that the accounts we have of them are true for very simple reasons. If a civilization is far enough along to travel the stars they are not going to crash in a corn field in New Mexico or anywhere else. Any advanced society that was studying another would do so quietly. With a small advance in nano-tech you could build robots to explore all you wanted without anyone seeing you at all. That they fly around all over...it's not credible. Not to mention the distance between the stars is really, really, really vast.
I believe that all the UFO stuff is a ruse and that we have anti-gravity craft (actually Inertial Drives) that work by pushing on the inertia of the universe. They work off of surge or high rates of speed changes in matter. Just like a surge of electric charge gives of electromagnetic waves matter can give off "inertia waves". There are many devices that show this to be true. I heard about this first from G. Harry Stine talking about the Dean Drive from Analog Science Fiction Science Fact and since then I pay attention to any such devices that seem to take advantage of this.
Some of the others I've kept track of from long ago are
1. Professor Eric Laithwaite work with Gyroscopes.
Look at this video by Prof. Eric Laithwaite at 5:23 and see a small boy lift a 28 lb. gyro over his head. People say this is nothing but how does the boy lift WITHOUT a clean and jerk motion???? How does he slowly and smoothly do what he can not do if it is not spinning AND him translating(rotating around)??? They laughed at Professor Eric Laithwaite and said it was just a translation of torque but if you taken any statics courses then, according to theory, the total weight must be translated down to the handle holding the gyro. There's no way a child or old Man can lift 28 lbs. slowly and smoothly up like that. The accelerating gyro and the translating, (rotating the gyro), is the key.
2. The Dean Drive.
This was studied and a set of equations called "Davis mechanics" account for the action of the Dean drive. It's based on the third derivative of motion. So you have uniform acceleration, 2nd derivative, and with an added surge acceleration, 3rd derivative. The surge causes the "inertia wave effect".
3. Lagiewka Bumper. Look at this extraordinary video. If that's not a inertia control device I would be extraordinarily surprised.
It works on the same principle as all the others. It has a straight "rack" gear linked to a flywheel that when the front hits something the gears spin the flywheel very fast. He says it's redirecting the force but what it's really doing is the flywheel is giving out "Inertia????" waves. That this sort of strong force is shown with such a low frequency is a good sign that it can be controlled. He also has lots of other videos. One he runs a Fiat into a wall with his bumper on it and it doesn't hurt the driver at all.
Here's a link to more info from the magnificent Rex Research.
4.Now this device has been stolen by formula one race car drivers. They're making a shock absorber out of it. If you could use inertia to bleed away shock instead of heat think of the advantages to a race car that wants to save every ounce. They call it an inerter or J-Damper. It's directly stolen from lagiewka as he missed something on his patents.
5. Another oddity with large acceleration. Rail guns. They don't seem to have an actual recoil force opposite the round firing that's equivalent. How can that possibly be explained without some unknown force????
The above says,"...This effect is magnetic, instead of gravitational...", they're wrong, it's the same inertia force. I submit that all of these are the same.
6. G. Harry Stine said this is probably what causes the mass increase in particle accelerators. The particles are giving off inertia waves.
So as you can see any sort of flying UFO type craft need not be some mystery. It could be an advanced form of the crude devices I've listed. If you see a UFO land at the White house and some sort of genetically engineered humanoid step out...you will know it's just a big scam.
I came up this one. Sam's. theory of apparent dark matter. "The appearance of extra mass in the universe, called Dark matter, is actually the "inertia waves" created by spinning mass that is being accelerated."
Hi Sam,
Inertia defying drives. I have been looking at that too. There is now enough independent implementations and demonstration of, for example Roger Shawyer EM-drive to consider it provenI have seen people (youtube videos) building EMdrives out of copper sheet (soldered into a cylindrical tapered resonators about a foot long) supplied from magnetron oscillator taken out of a microwave oven, producing easily measurable about few tens of millinewtons of trust.
There is an interesting class of anomalous electromagnetic effects coupling EM and gravity that shows up whenever charge carriers are more massive than electrons (must be ions). Such setups are for example (1) angular-accelerating rotating disks carrying frozen-in magnetic fields and currents - high-T superconductive disks, or (2) vortices created in molten metals like mercury, or (3) ionic current vortices in plasma.
Another class of effects shows up whenever one has a completely isolated (shielded) configuration of electromagnetic fields of the sufficiently high EM energy density. Such setups may generate a "dimensional jump" across multiverse producing effects that look like anti-gravity, due to the fact that electromagnetic Duality Phase is the 5-th dimension that spans across the 4D slices (4D = 3D space + Time) of the 5D Everett's Multiverse (5D = 3D space + Time + Duality Phase). Within our 4D universe the electromagnetic Duality Phase is normally nearly constant or very slowly varying locally. The local deviation from constant can represent in GR model the time-space curvature effects, gravitational effects due to a local mass centers.
(Note: Duality Phase carries imaginary unit and is equivalent to wavefunction quantum phase for elementary particles where the phase is proportional to action and scaled with Planck constant, however EM Duality Phase has a different scaling factor )
Look up my Clifford Algebra tutorial (the pdf file link highlited in red under My Math Articles)
[UFO next]
Thanks for the links.
I am not dismissing UFO because I saw one flying over in the sky when I was a kid (around 1961), all across the sky and it was big enough to see it as a silver metalic disk, the apparent angular size (to me) was like the moon. It took only a few seconds to fly over about 90 degree section of the sky above me.
I also had an encounter with a spacecraft when I experienced a trip out of body out to space in 1979. It was similar to a near death experience triggered by passing out and a hard fall of my head on the floor. I caught the spacecraft (that I was attracted to and connected with) after a very long distance trip across the 3D universe (that took subjectively only about a minute or less), I estimated the distance I covered to have been about a couple of hundred parsecs. I posted a file about it, see on the left hand side margin a text titled "My OBE" under My Articles section.
Note that out of body/astral travel does not consist of moving your astral body or moving anything - nothing moves physically, but instead your essence "jumps" across the neighboring molecules and atoms of interstellar matter in this case (gas, I thought - interstellar atomic Hydrogen but I have a friend who thinks it is Nitrogen that we live on!) Because one doesn't actually move matter but jumps over it, the normal relativity restrictions such as the speed of light limit, or Doppler effect do not apply!
**** I know they exist! ****
Some of the stuff you're talking about is over my head("dimensional jump" across multiverse) but I can get some of it. You're smarter than I am. Don't think I'm not interested or appreciative. Many times I can look at things over my head and eventually get some understanding of them by continuing to read about them until they make sense.
but I'll take a stab at,
"...Roger Shawyer EM-drive to consider it provenI have seen people (youtube videos) building EMdrives out of copper sheet (soldered into a cylindrical tapered resonators about a foot long) supplied from magnetron oscillator taken out of a microwave oven, producing easily measurable about few tens of millinewtons of trust..."
Since I do know that surges or highly accelerating objects seem to have this "inertia wave" property I'm trying to find where the microwaves would fit into that paradigm. I think since this thing is linear or not spinning then what is going on is the microwaves are beating. It may even be the copper resonator that's beating and the microwaves just drive it. If you take two sounds slightly different frequencies then you also get the difference between them. I suspect the beating is causing the acceleration. The beating would not be a constant freq it would change causing an acceleration. What comes to mind, if I remember this correctly, is the whistlers or frequencies that come from gamma ray sources out in deep space. So the frequency would rapidly change.
I wonder if the dirtier the source of microwaves the better acceleration? If the source was too clean it might lesson the frequency shifting???? I did a quick search and "...Yue Chen...testing an EmDrive...prototype's thrust was at the "micronewton to millinewton level..."
"...oscillator taken out of a microwave oven, producing easily measurable about few tens of millinewtons of trust..."
So the cheap source seems to be better. I wonder if a microwave source that was shifted(modulated) rapidly in frequency would do better???
If you ever crack this I wouldn't tell anyone. Might be a problem. I have no doubt they have operating drives in hangers somewhere that are of no use because they're so covered up.
BTW I think Henri Coanda also worked on the same team that came up with Davis Mechanics. He said he was able to come to some understanding of turbulence using the formulas.
What did I say,"...Since I do know that surges or highly accelerating objects seem to have this "inertia wave" property I'm trying to find where the microwaves would fit into that paradigm. I think since this thing is linear or not spinning then what is going on is the microwaves are beating. It may even be the copper resonator that's beating and the microwaves just drive it..."
I just saw this blog article here,(great site by the way)
and they said,"...Woodward has built a new kind of mount that positions the piezoelectric disk stack in the center of two rods riding on ball bushings. The new thruster mount does not damp the harmonized vibrations that are key to propulsive force in these devices..."
"...The effect can only be seen for a few seconds. The resonant frequency constantly changes as the device heats up and varies with the experimental setup. Chip Akins, an engineer, is building a custom amplifier that will track the resonant frequency as it changes. If this chip works as intended then the MEGA drive will produce a sustained thrust..."
Ding, ding, ding. I bet they are barking up the wrong tree. This effect, "inertia waves", is robust if the examples I showed are not some farce and the Dean drive device shown to G. Harry Stine is real. I don't think Stine lied and he said the force from a device driven by a standard electric drill was robust. He could stop the machine from rolling and when he pushed on it it pushed back.
I think the problem is people who like to think about stuff and ponder reactions and stuff like this are not so enthusiastic about building stuff and people who build stuff are not so enthusiastic about deeply thinking about all the stuff they build and so...no one ever builds this stuff. Stine said much the same with some exasperation that he could get no one to build this sort of stuff.
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