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Sunday, May 26, 2019

How ketogenic diet protects against vascular aging


It has been noticed that ketone bodies producing diets such as calorie-restricted diet and ketogenic diets exert some anti-aging effects (on test animals). This study, see the article linked below, pinpoints the mechanism of this effect to the specific ketone body molecule: β-Hydroxybutyrate.

Natural “Fasting” Molecule Exerts Anti-Aging Effects to Protect Vascular System
By NutritonReview.org - May 16, 2019


In their study, the research team explores the link between calorie restriction (eating less or fasting) and delaying aging, which is unknown and has been poorly studied. The findings are published in the journal Molecular Cell.

The researchers identified an important, small molecule that is produced during fasting or calorie restriction conditions. The molecule, β-Hydroxybutyrate, is one type of a ketone body, or a water-soluble molecule that contains a ketone group and is produced by the liver from fatty acids during periods of low food intake, carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation and prolonged intense exercise.

The researchers reported that β-Hydroxybutyrate delays vascular aging by providing a chemical link between calorie restriction and fasting and the anti-aging effect.

This compound can delay vascular aging of the endothelial cells, which line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, preventing a type of cell aging called senescence, or cellular aging.

Senescent cells can no longer multiple and divide. The researchers found β-Hydroxybutyrate can promote cell division and prevent these cells from becoming old. Because this molecule is produced during calorie restriction or fasting, when people overeat or become obese this molecule is possibly suppressed, which would accelerate aging.

In addition, the researchers found when β-Hydroxybutyrate binds to a certain RNA-binding protein, this increases activity of a stem cell factor called Octamer-binding transcriptional factor (Oct4) in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells in mice.

Stem cell factor Oct4 increases a key factor against DNA damage-induced senescence, which can keep blood vessels young.


1. "β-Hydroxybutyrate Prevents Vascular Senescence through hnRNP A1-Mediated Upregulation of Oct4",
Young-min Han et al., Molecular Cell, VOLUME 71, ISSUE 6, P1064-1078.E5, SEPTEMBER 20, 2018.

Example of a ketogenic (high fat low carb) dish.  Ketogenic diet has been described by some as BBB diet, meaning Butter, Bacon and Brie.  It is not limited to that!  


JC said...


Stan Bleszynski said...

With a somewhat lower fat consumption but still in the high carbohydrate det zone, insulin level declines (but not hugely, not as much as in the keto zone!), which brings some benefits. However, the other problems shows up related to deficiencies of certain essential fatty acids, aminoacids and vitamins present in animal fats and meat. By going from medium fat to low fat high plant based carbohydrate diet you would basically trade one type of health risk for another.

JC said...


Gyan said...

Healthy populations have subsisted on very low fat ~10 %. Such as Hindus--an old study of Hindu diabetics introduced them to a low-carb diet of 67% carb--they were used to 80% carb!

Deficiencies of essential fats--aren't they speculative?