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Thursday, August 9, 2018

salt and cardiovascular risk debunked

It was a fake theory! Fake - I like this word.

A Canadian study, just published in The Lancet:
Urinary sodium excretion, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and mortality: a community-level prospective epidemiological cohort study
Andrew Menteet al., VOLUME 392, ISSUE 10146, P496-506, AUGUST 11, 2018


The association between mean sodium intake and major cardiovascular events showed significant deviations from linearity (p=0.043) due to a significant inverse association in the lowest tertile of sodium intake (lowest tertile <4.43 g/day, mean intake 4.04 g/day, range 3.42-4.43; change -1.00 events per 1000 years,...

Sodium intake was associated with cardiovascular disease and strokes only in communities where mean intake was greater than 5 g/day.

Halite (rock salt) from the Wieliczka salt mine,

Note: "inverse" association means that lower sodium INCREASES the rate of disease. In this case the cutoff threshold for the inverse relation is about 4g per day. The recommended daily dose of sodium by the fake (I love it) medical authorities is about 2g/day. Also, the usage of the unit "minus one event per 1000 years" has to be interpreted such that statistically there is one event less than the average, per 1000 patients per year rather than having to wait 1000 years for one patient event.

Read also here:

Salt not as damaging to health as previously thought, says study

The study suggests that very low levels of salt could lead to more heart attacks and suggests that moderate salt consumption may be protective.
The World Health Organization recommends cutting sodium intake to no more than 2g a day - the equivalent of 5g of salt - because of the link to increased blood pressure, which is in turn implicated in stroke.

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