They flipped! Finally it happened!!! Since its on television then it has to be true (hey Mr. Citizen now you can believe it!)
Silicon Valley's elite are flocking to an extreme high-fat diet in hopes of living longer
Me first, then my wife and our four girls begun following the high animal fat, moderate protein low carb diet, based on dr. Jan Kwasniewski's "Optimal Diet", in July 1999, and stayed on it ever since. Initially I started it a fact finding mission after one of our friends enthusiastically recommended it, saying that it cured his liver cirrhosis in 6 months!
Actually it did!
I couldn't believe it since it violated every common medical "wisdom" raining down on us from every media outlet, as well as all doctors we spoke to. I like that aspect... After two weeks I felt better, stronger, more energy, clearer thinking, no tiredness - better than I ever did since my 20-ties! In addition a number of ailments went away, for example dry eye condition, afternoon tiredness, persistent (but not acute) intestinal inflammation etc.
Then my wife and our children begun eating this style, then my mother who lived with us. She begun a month after me, begrudgingly after we ran out of bread since my wife stopped buying it. How my mom recovered her chronic health problems on the high fat diet and what exactly happened - that's another story! We continuet that eating style ever since. It works for us. Back in 1999 everybody thought I was crazy, they were seriously expecting me to drop dead withing months (which, to their surprise, did not happen!) When I begun my day job in 2009 half of my work colleagues were on some kind of "healthy" low fat salads and fruit for lunch or skim milk cereal diet, many were vegetarians (although there are fewer now) who wouldn't talk to me when I revealed my "orientation". Some still don't ! 😊
NPR Climate Experts
On January 18, 2022, NPR predicted record low Great Lakes ice cover. Two
weeks later ice coverage was above average. Great Lakes researchers predict
23 hours ago