2008 - Age of Awakening / 2016 - Age of disclosures / 2021 - Age of Making Choices & Separation / Next Stage - Age of Reconnection and Transition! /
2024 - gradual disappearance of 2000y old Rational Collectivism, emergence of new Heroic Individualist paradigm focused on conscious evolution, Life, Love and Children. Heretic

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Low level radiation is cancer-protective


Two papers:

1) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1349-7006.1992.tb02342.x

Cancer Mortality Survey in a Spa Area (Misasa, Japan) with a High Radon Background Masaaki Mifune Tomotaka Sobue Hiroko Arimoto Yoshiaki Komoto Sohei Kondo Hiroshi Tanooka First published: January 1992

2) https://www.birpublications.org/doi/full/10.1259/bjr.75.895.750637

BJR > Previous Issues > Volume 75, Issue 895 > Radiation increased the longevity of British radiologists Correspondence Radiation increased the longevity of British radiologists J R Cameron 2678 SW 14th Drive, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA