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... better way to put it - ketogenic diet renders some of the genetical conditions such as ApoE4+ irrelevant or not endangering an individual survival chances! It appears ApoE4+ does represent a handicap ONLY on a high carbohydrate diet! It is probably similar with many other genetic impairments. It seems one needs to have a more than "perfect" genetics to be able to remain healthy until a very old age on a high carbohydrate diet!
"Ketogenic diet rescues cognition in ApoE4+ patient with mild Alzheimer's disease: A case study.", by Morrill SJ, Gibas KJ, Diabetes Metab Syndr., March-April 2019
It has been established that there is a correlation between Alzheimer's disease and apolipoprotein E, specifically the ApoE4 genetic variant. However, the correlation between Apoe4, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome (MetS) pathologies still remains elusive. As apolipoprotein E has many important physiological functions, individuals with the ApoE4 allele variant, also known as the Alzheimer's disease gene, are primarily at a greater risk for physiological consequences, specifically cognitive impairment (Chan et al., 2016). In this case study, a 71-year old female, heterozygous for ApoE4 with a family history of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and the dual diagnosis of mild AD/metabolic syndrome (MetS) was placed on a 10-week nutrition protocol purposed at raising plasma ketones through carbohyrdrate restricted, high fat ketogenic diet (KD), time- restricted eating and physical/cognitive exercise. Primary biomarkers for MetS were measured pre/mid-/post intervention. The MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) was administered pre/post intervention by a licensed clinical therapist. The results were statistically significant. The HOMA-IR decreased by 75% from 13.9 to 3.48. Triglycerides decreased by 50% from 170mg/dL to 85mg/dL. VLDL dropped by 50% from 34mg/dL to 17mg/dL, and HgA1c decreased from 5.7% to 4.9%. The baseline MoCA score was 21/30; post treatment score was 28/30. The significant results in both MetS biomarkers and the MoCA score suggest that a ketogenic diet may serve to rescue cognition in patients with mild AD. The results of this case study are particularly compelling for ApoE4 positive (ApoE4+) subjects as ketogenic protocols extend hope and promise for AD prevention.
Within a short time from posting the above, the following comments were posted on Twitter.
(BTW - Thanks Tucker Goodrich and Shaza!)
Indeed, it turns out that it is not the keto diet per-se but rather the improved DHA contents of such a diet that is the critical factor, not just the low carbohydrates aspect of it! Tsimane (Bolivian natives) diet is high carbohydrate (vegetable & fruit) and low protein (16%), low fat but also most of the protein comes from fish. The paper on "DHA brain uptake..." of ApoE4 versus non-ApoE4 carriers confirms that the critical factor is abundance of DHA in food for the ApoE4 carriers. In return they have a higher mass of grey matter in the brain than non-ApoE4, which appears to be confirmed by cognition tests [add study refs]. In return for having higher grey matter mass, the uptake of DHA is 20% higher for ApoE4 carriers, making them more vulnerable to DHA starvation.
It seems that this story has evolved in a direction that I did not expect. Perhaps the ApoE4 rather than being a mildly inconvenient adaptation requiring high fat/high fish diet, turns out to be a very beneficial genetic evolutionary trait helping in brain development and achieving higher IQ - which is clearly a survival advantage. Especially for navigation over the high seas or in the Arctic!